Ryan Krivoshey

Ryan Krivoshey


Ryan Krivoshey


Kim's Video
For two decades, New York City cinephiles had access to a treasure trove of rare and esoteric films through Kim's Video. Originally run by the enigmatic Yongman Kim out of his dry-cleaning business, his franchise eventually amassed 55,000 rental titles. In 2008, facing a changing industry, Mr. Kim offered to give away his collection provided that it stay intact and be available to Kim's Video members. In a bid to revitalize tourism, the small Italian village of Salemi, Sicily became home to the archive. But after the initial publicity faded, so too did any sign of the collection. Enter filmmaker David Redmon, who credits Kim's Video for his film education. With the ghosts of cinema past leading his way, Redmon embarks on a seemingly quixotic quest to track down what happened to the legendary collection and to free it from purgatory.
Executive Producer
Percy Schmeiser, un agricultor de tercera generación, es demandado por un gigante corporativo por supuestamente usar sus semillas patentadas. Con pocos recursos para librar una batalla legal, Percy une fuerzas con el prometedor abogado Jackson Weaver y la activista medioambiental Rebecca Salcau en un caso monumental que lleva hasta la Corte Suprema.
Executive Producer
An associative collection of visual impressions across fifteen chapters: a seagull in Porto, political posters in New York, an abstract painting in St. Petersburg, an abandoned video shop in Cairo and cats everywhere you look.