Edoardo Pagliai


Mi hermano persigue dinosaurios
Jack tiene cuatro años y dos hermanas. Por fin, una tarde sus padres le cuentan que va a tener un hermanito y que va a ser muy especial. Jack está muy feliz: para él, especial significa superhéroe. Después de su nacimiento se da cuenta de que realmente es diferente a los demás, pero no tiene súper poderes. De repente, descubre la palabra "Down".
L'Amore il Sole e Le Altre Stelle
Short Skin
Young Edoardo
Ever since he was a child, the seventeen-years-old Edoardo has suffered from a malformation of the foreskin that stops him from masturbating and makes him insecure and ill at ease with girls. Shut up in his sexless microcosm, Edoardo reacts with irritation to the pressures of the outside world, which do nothing but exacerbate his insecurity. Forced against his will to emerge from the shadows in which he has hidden for years, Edoardo will initially try to solve his problem by clumsy stratagems before finding, at last, the courage to face his own fears.