Frédéric Diefenthal
Nacimiento : 1968-07-26, Saint-Mandé, Val-de-Marne, France
Stanislas Coesens
When a fortuneteller predicted Lisa's death on August 15 in midst of fear and violence, she shrugged. Yet, this morning, as the sun rises over a deserted and heat-scorched city, the police is desperate. The killer of three women will strike again by midnight. Suddenly Lisa feels less serene. Especially since she is sure, a man has broken into the empty building. August 15th will be a very hot day….
Thomas Delhaye
Varios notables de la región de Chamonix aparecen asesinados en sus casas. Para seguir adelante con la investigación, el capitán de policía Thomas Delhaye decide liberar a Juliette Hémon de prisión, encarcelada por un caso extrañamente similar.
Maxime Gardette
El cuerpo del Dr. Delubac es encontrado en Lourdes, en una de las cuencas de la cueva de las apariciones. Fiona Langlois, la comandante de la Policía, y Maxime Gardette, el recién llegado a la comisaría, son los encargados de la investigación. El difunto formaba parte del Comité Médico Internacional de Lourdes, que estudia y valida curaciones milagrosas. Se programó una reunión al día siguiente para pronunciarse sobre casos antiguos.
Van Gogh in Love tells the story of Van Gogh’s longing for love and a family. It explores the lesser-known area of his (not so!) romantic love life. Matters of love were always on his mind, and were inextricably linked with other aspects of his life.
Clémence's husband
He had opened his Great Restaurant twice, in 2010 and 2011, as part of an entertainment broadcast on France 2. Pierre Palmade “reopens it after work” in the form of a fiction offered by M6. Exit the brewery. The artist has chosen to shoot his film at the Froufrou, the restaurant at the Théâtre Édouard-VII, in Paris, a chic establishment with rococo decor, more solemn and therefore more appropriate to important moments in life, to his big announcements that make the subject of a series of sketches. They are interpreted by a cast of stars just as prestigious as that of his comrade Muriel Robin a few weeks ago in I Love you coiffure , on TF1. As a common thread, Pierre Palmade in the role of the host busy satisfying his customers, while ensuring that his mother (Marthe Villalonga), his competitor (Florence Foresti) and her cook husband (Jean Leduc) do not transform the evening in disaster.
Yann Leblanc
Vincent Martin es testigo del asesinato de una mujer frente a un semáforo al recibir un empujón. Cuando su mejor amigo le encuentra aturdido por lo sucedido, le aconseja no declarar como testigo.
Gaspard Lesage
En un apartamento en Le Havre, una ciudad portuaria francesa, se encuentra un cuerpo momificado en una chimenea. La capitán Ariane Salles y su amigo Garspard Lesage se encargan de la investigación.
Daniel Mercier
Claudine, a florist in her fifties, has an appointment with Valentin, her best friend and confidant. She wants to tell him about the love she has felt for him for five years. But the young man is an eternal seducer. He does not seem to be on the same wavelength as her friend.
It's the story of a young married man name Lionel who is swamped by colossal debts and whose wife is soon to give birth. At his wits' end, he decides one day to commit an irreparable act and kidnaps his millionnaire neighbors' 1-year-old baby. He demands a small ransom of €60,000. But Lionel is no criminal and all his attempts at exchanging his hostage for money fail. Meanwhile, he becomes increasingly attached to the baby. When he at last manages to get the money, he must come to terms with releasing his hostage.
Sidonie returns from Morocco with a broken heart because of a man called Diego.Then her sister,Marion, a lawyer of Paris,decides to travel to Morocco to give him a lesson.
Ted Kramer
Charles Senac, author of a single novel but crowned by the Prix Goncourt, is hated by the regulars of the bar-restaurant "Le Renard jaune" who regularly insult him. One morning he is found dead in his home. For inspector Giraud, it is clear that the culprit is among the customers of "Le Renard jaune".
It is in a small popular district that the pot of the Eurogagnant, 124 million euros, is won - But who is the lucky winner?
Antonin Brecht
Back in her hometown after spending a year learning singing lessons in New York, the young Marseillaise Faïza dreams of becoming a singer. But she helps her parents who have financial difficulties. While becoming a cleaning lady, she meets Fred, a music manager.
David / Guillaume Derville
François-René de Chateaubriand
El film narra la historia del famoso bandolero francés de mediados del siglo XVIII, Cartouche. Una especie de Robin Hood que se forjó una leyenda como ladrón bienhechor repartiendo entre los pobres los botines saqueados a los nobles empobrecidos. El asesinato a sangre fría de su novia por parte del futuro jefe de policía despierta un deseo de venganza en Cartouche que le acompañará constantemente. Sus hazañas animan la vida de la gente de a pie, enfurecen a los poderosos y terminan por conmover a un joven aristócrata. Sus acciones son el precedente de los movimientos revolucionarios posteriores en Francia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Émilien Coutant-Kerbalec
El departamento de la policía de Marsella tienen bajo custodia a un gran criminal belga, mientras esperan su traslado a una cárcel de alta seguridad en el Congo. Desafortunadamente Émilien es engañado por el bandido y este deja al preso irse. Aquí comienza la caza de este criminal, al darse cuenta del error cometido por Émilien, con la ayuda de Daniel y su flamante taxi encuentran la guarida donde se esconde el criminal, es hora de ponerse manos a la obra con la captura de este bandido y quien mejor que el capitán Gilbert para dirigir la misión
Ludovic Chambercy
It is time for thirty-something Ludovic Chambercy to succeed his father Jacques at the head of the family business: the Chambercy Galleries. But faced with his new duties, Ludovic begins to sweat, has panic attacks and even dizzy spells. He is diagnosed with hypegiaphobia or extreme fear of responsibility. This man with everything for a happy life seems to be shying away from the expectations of his family. Reluctantly, without a word to his father and girlfriend, Ludovic starts group behavior therapy. While his lies spark off an incredible series of tragicomic events, Ludovic strikes up a friendship with the other phobics in his group: Léon, trader in bric-a-brac, who can no longer stand untidiness; Clémence, a student who cannot bear even one second of her own company and Margaux, who can no longer touch or be touched. And if Ludovic is to find a cure at the end of the road, there will be a few surprises in store for him along the way...
Paco Garcia
Renart (voice)
Renart es un ladron con un gran corazón, solo comete sus fechorías para proporcionar comida a su familia. Es un zorro muy aventurero, audaz y por supuesto muy listo; siempre sale airoso de sus lios aunque en esta ocasión hay un peligro inminente que pretende destronar al rey y a la reina que por cierto, es una gran defensora de Renart.Se está gestando una trama malvada llevada a cabo por el Canciller del rey ayudado por el capitán de la guardia y enemigo múmero uno de Renart, el malísimo Ysengrin. Comenzamos una nueva aventura con Renart y su nuevo amigo Rufus en busca de la misteriosa cueva de las maldiciones y el secreto de la vida eterna.
A group of friends in their thirties meet for a weekend in a mountain chalet for what will be a sort of review of an era in their lives and their relationships.
A man who works as a theater prompter and can't always tell the difference between fantasy and reality, asks a girl on a date and then writes a successful script based on said date without telling her.
Une bande de jeunes voyous inoffensifs vivote de petits coups. Après un braquage loupé, ils se trouvent dans l'impossibilité de régler leurs dettes au caïd du coin, qui, pour le rembourser, leur propose le cambriolage d'une fondation d'art moderne. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu et tout s'enchaîne... mal.
A small crook manages to crash at a musician's apartment and turns his life upside down.
Diane, a young woman in search of a child, is looking for money to go to the sperm bank. She crosses paths with Arthur, a bank robber.
Claude es una joven acusada de veintisiete homicidios. Su caso es excepcional ya que posee una patología llamada "desorden de personalidad múltiple". Su psiquiatra y el policía que le detuvo deciden sumergirse en su complejo mundo interior para tratar de resolver el caso. Pero quién se adentra en un laberinto corre el riesgo de no poder salir jamás...
Émilien Coutant-Kerbalec
Una banda de ladrones llamada "la banda de Santa Claus" están causando estragos, y la policía es incapaz de arrestarlos. El superintendente de policía Gilbert es distraído por una reportera china, ya que estaba escribiendo la historia de su escudra. La esposa del detective Emilien, Petra, se ha embarazado y el conductor de taxi Daniel está en el medio de la crisis entre Emilien y su esposa. Después de una cadena de errores por parte de la policía en la que los ladrones consiguen evitarlos, un reprotero es secuestrado. Se revela que el reportero es el líder de "la banda de Santa Claus". La policía realiza una búsqueda, pero el reportero les tiende una trampa, en la cual el detective Emilien es aplastado. Luego Daniel va y lo rescata en su taxi, luego van a su escondite en en las montañas suizas y arrestan al reportero.
Yann Le Guenn
Femme bar de nuit
Han pasado seis meses desde la desaparición de Rachel Siprien. A petición de su madre, François, detective privado, se hace cargo del caso. Las múltiples facetas de la personalidad de la joven componen una compleja trama entre su mejor amiga, Clarisse, su ex novio, su padrastro, sus amigos y vecinos y los que le han conocido más o menos intimamente.François va de uno a otro, profundiza en su vida diurna y nocturna, espía, hace preguntas molestas, rellena las lagunas dejadas voluntariamente por sus interlocutores. Francois dibuja, poco a poco, el verdadero rostro de Rachel Siprien.
Fermin y Therese fueron una joven pareja que huyó para poder estar solos, afincándose en Chatillón. Therese empezó a trabar una buena amistad con la familia Numance, una de las más distinguidas de la ciudad, y la joven comenzó a valorar la libertad de su vida y la voluntad de sus propias decisiones. Esto no gustó a Fermín, quien acaba por trastocar el carácter de Therese.
Una colección de objetos procedentes de una excavación arqueológica en Egipto se deposita en el famoso museo del Louvre en París, y mientras los expertos utilizan un escáner láser para determinar la edad de un sarcófago, un espíritu fantasmagórico se escapa y se abre camino hacia el sistema eléctrico del museo.
Mikael, Skip and P'tit Louis are planning a big job. In his car, Michael pulls out his hair by making P'tit Louis repeat the insults that he will have to utter to Perron's secretary. Perron (Miki Manojlovic) is the producer they have come to bully for ignoring their script seven times in a row. The three guys have a grudge against the entire film industry. What they are looking for is a minimum of interest in their plot, a deign to read their script. So they take the producer and his daughter hostage, then demand a TV crew to make their demands known.
Philippe Saule
A serial killer is on the loose in Paris and he seems to be an american citizen working in the US embassy and being in the middle of a french-american economical affair.
Émilien Coutant-Kerbalec
Taxi 2 cuenta la historia del ministro de Defensa japonés visitando Marsella para conocer las técnicas anti-gangster de los policías de la ciudad. Sin embargo, durante la visita es secuestrado por un grupo trabajando para los yakuza. El joven agente Emilien es designado a rescatar el ministro y la agente y novia Petra, también secuestrada, y devolver el honor a su departamento. Otra vez más, el rápido conductor de taxi Daniel es llamado para ayudarlo con sus dotes de conducción en su Peugeot 406..
The collision between family life and career lies at the heart of this comedy hailing from France. A mother of two small children, Eva's life goes from stressful to insane when she is told that she is a project finalist for the design of a massive European hospital. She and her working husband Philippe try desperately to balance their commitments to their kids, careers, and themselves.
Émilien Coutant-Kerbalec
Daniel, un joven repartidor de pizzas, consigue hacer realidad uno de sus sueños: obtener la licencia de taxi. Pero un encuentro fortuito con Emilien le pone en un aprieto: para conservar su licencia de taxi, han de detener a una banda que está desmantelando los bancos del país.
Take a handsome, friendly 40-year-old family man looking for a job. Put him in a room with a young executive woman, who's single, resolute and yearning for motherhood. Add a delightful little pony-tailed siren named Laura. Sprinkle with smiles and tuck into a charming tale... It's just that delightful little siren sometimes turn out to be terrible liars and a young "widower" can conceal a happily married man, wibly in love with his wife. Trouble's brewing...
The love story of Pascal and Hélène who meet at Françoise's birthday party and the love story of Gérard, Pascal's confidant, and Françoise who invited Pascal and Hélène to her birthday party.
In this French comedy, the young adult children of working-class Arab immigrants living in the projects of suburban Paris endeavor to find a suitable cultural identity. The story centers on four young men in their 20s: Farida, who tries to live according to family traditions; his rebellious sister Souad, who wants to be as Westernized as possible and works at a fast-food outlet; her ex-boyfriend, Jean Luc, who wants to be an immigrant lawyer; and his friend Moussa. The film is comprised of brief incidents from their lives.
Martine is 25. Since breaking up with François, she has the feeling that the world is caving in on her. Between small jobs and one-night stands, she can't seem to get a fix on herself. In desperation, after a last quarrel with François, she unintentionally causes an accident that leads her to the emergency ward of a psychiatric hospital. During her brief stay, she unexpectedly sparks into life. She takes an interest in two young patients, Pierre and Anne, convinced that she is doing the right thing in supervising their love life...