Después de años de nadar todos los días en el océano helado en la punta de África, Craig Foster conoce a un maestro poco probable: un pulpo joven que muestra una curiosidad notable. Al visitar su guarida y seguir sus movimientos durante meses y meses, finalmente se gana la confianza del animal y desarrollan un vínculo nunca antes visto entre humanos y animales salvajes.
The next stage in the evolution of noirwave is here; this time in the form of Petite Noir’s latest project: La Maison Noir. In collaboration with Red Bull Music and The Noirwave, the introspective visual album journeys through the formative stages of artist Yannick Illunga’s life with reference to the four elements of fire, earth, water and air. Evoking themes of resistance, migration and women’s rights, the four-part visual EP is peppered with imagery in reference to the four sections of the Congolese cosmogram (Kala, Tukula, Luvemba and Masoni), each of which serve to illustrate various aspects of life. #LaMaisonNoir #RedBullMusic