The events on the night John Lennon was killed, seen through the eyes of those who lived it. The great men and women of NYC who did all they could to save a life, some without even knowing it was John Lennon himself. Based on a true story.
A paramedic, named Al, responds to an emergency and ends up becoming infatuated with his patient. She just might be the woman of his dreams. Trouble is she's unconscious. After transferring her to a hospital, he can't shake the memory of her. He tries to learn what happened to her and engineer a way for them to meet. Is he fighting for true love, or just chasing a phantom?
A coming-of-age story ignites when teenager Josh Sendler has to pack up his hoop dreams and move from the lush cornfields of Indiana to the harsh inner-city playgrounds of Newark, N.J.. He meets and befriends basketball phenom, Antwon Jackson, on the local court and together they make a run for the high school state championship. Their friendship is tested along the way and ultimately must prove itself in the face of the explosive n-word.
A través de cuatro historias: "My robot baby", "The robot fixer", "Machine love" y "Clay" se nos muestra en un futuro cercano el deseo y la lucha de los humanos por conectar con el mundo de los robots.
Jeff Donovan, un vecino de Buskerville, obsesionado con el misterio que envuelve a la bruja de Blair, organiza una expedición junto a sus compañeros de universidad para adentrarse en los bosques de Maryland, encontrar a los tres estudiantes de cine desaparecidos, y resolver de una vez por todas la verdad sobre la leyenda de la bruja... Un reputado documentalista (Joe Berlinger) dirige esta secuela de la exitosa "The Blair Witch Project".