Nikolai Gusarov

Nikolai Gusarov


Nikolai Gusarov


Казачья быль
Scenario Writer
Казачья быль
Upside Down
A simple guy, Styopa, without suspecting it, brought with his car to a small town a gang of gangsters looking for a unique diamond.
Upside Down
A simple guy, Styopa, without suspecting it, brought with his car to a small town a gang of gangsters looking for a unique diamond.
Upside Down
A simple guy, Styopa, without suspecting it, brought with his car to a small town a gang of gangsters looking for a unique diamond.
Wild field
Somehow, three came to these lands to the camp of ataman Sidor. One of them recently escaped from Turkish captivity, where from the centurion dying on his hands, he learned about a chest hidden in these places with the Ryazan treasury. The Cossacks, having conferred, decide to go in search of her, but the Turks are already looking for the treasury, who once hid her here.
Wild field
Somehow, three came to these lands to the camp of ataman Sidor. One of them recently escaped from Turkish captivity, where from the centurion dying on his hands, he learned about a chest hidden in these places with the Ryazan treasury. The Cossacks, having conferred, decide to go in search of her, but the Turks are already looking for the treasury, who once hid her here.
Кошмар в сумасшедшем доме
Кошмар в сумасшедшем доме
The Cow
Animated short based on the story of the same name by Andrei Platonov.
Лошади в океане
A criminal drama set in the Soviet Union. Director of a Children's Theatre is sentenced to a prison term after a false accusation. He is spending his time locked up with a gang of teenagers
Лошади в океане
A criminal drama set in the Soviet Union. Director of a Children's Theatre is sentenced to a prison term after a false accusation. He is spending his time locked up with a gang of teenagers
Team 33
A regular military call-up. Young guys, having got call-up papers and having passed a medical board checkup, enjoy themselves and spend the last days of freedom in different ways: some in discotheques, some in a company of friends outdoors, others are even carousing and scuffling. A colonel Nikitin (Yu. Nazarov) with a group of officers is ordered to accompany conscripts future marines - in a special train to the military service place, situated in the Far East. The whole trip takes several days. Right here, in the train wagons, with no dads and moms round, young conscripts are in for showing their worth and gaining their first experience of real army life.
Attempt on GOELRO
1932. Ural, city of Krasnouralsk. The power plant has been sabotaged. The turbine is out of order. Having put the guards to sleep, someone poured sand into the turbine oil. In Moscow, the leadership of the OGPU received a secret cipher. From it it becomes known about the conspiracy of German intelligence against the USSR. Its main purpose — subversive actions in Soviet power plants. Special attention is paid to the Urals and the Dnieper under construction. Diversion in Krasnosilske — link in this chain. In Krasnotalsk sent a special agent of the OGPU Viktor Sergeevich Lartsev.
The Mystery of the Golden Mountain
1722. Peter I issues an edict, stating that everyone who finds in Russian lands mineral wealth, and provide its precise map will be generously remunerated and will rid him/herself of serfdom. This decree works up the whole Russia. Serfs and all kinds of prospectors rush to Siberia to earn freedom. So does a serf Michael Volkov, but cant find anything. Especially he wishes to find a golden mountain, which, by all accounts, contains the wealthiest entrails of combustible stone - bituminous coal. His road leads him to one German geologist, whom tsar hired to research Siberias natural resources. And Michaels dream starts coming true. But he doesnt know, that his small detachment got a spy in the face of a local money-bags. As soon as he finds minerals, he will have to kill Mikhail
Semyon Dezhnyov
Veliky Ustyug at the beginning of the 17th century. Semyon Dezhnyov falls in love with the daughter of a rich merchant — Avdotya, but the groom is poor. The girl's father sets a condition: Dezhnyov must go to Siberia and get rich — only then will he receive consent to marry. Dezhnyov agrees and leaves for Siberia. Although he passes the test, he does not return to Avdotya. He finds a strait "from a warm sea to a cold one": from the mouth of the Kolyma he swims to the Pacific Ocean and opens the strait between the continents.
Semyon Dezhnyov
Veliky Ustyug at the beginning of the 17th century. Semyon Dezhnyov falls in love with the daughter of a rich merchant — Avdotya, but the groom is poor. The girl's father sets a condition: Dezhnyov must go to Siberia and get rich — only then will he receive consent to marry. Dezhnyov agrees and leaves for Siberia. Although he passes the test, he does not return to Avdotya. He finds a strait "from a warm sea to a cold one": from the mouth of the Kolyma he swims to the Pacific Ocean and opens the strait between the continents.
Tem, Kto Ostayotsya Zhit
1928. Winter. Unprecedented construction of a giant plant Uralmash is getting under way. Rushing time of first five-year plans, incredible enthusiasm, inconceivable raging imagination, and also sabotages, provocation, suspiciousness, denunciation, famine and unsettled domestic life. And people of that time are the same, straight-out, resolute, goal-oriented, and moving towards the aim regardless of their own health. So is a main character a new head of the plant, a former Red Army cavalryman Alexander Bannikov (V.Gaev). He leads construction works as if he is marches into battle. It is exactly the kind of people of whom people say he lives for his work, and how one cant live for his work if at the height of the construction Moscow sends an order to stop it short.