"The Jewish Street" is a documentary produced by Augusts Sukuts and directed by his close colleague, Latvian-born director Hertz Frank, one of the founders of the Baltic poetic documentary genre. "The Jewish Street" is dedicated to the painful issues of the Holocaust and the Riga Ghetto.
A group of people get cut off from the rest of the world during a snowstorm.
Película de aventuras inspirada en las tradiciones, creencias y leyendas populares y folklóricas. En el centro del relato están tres hermanos: Tom, Andr y Mikelis. Desesperados por la crueldad del señor feudal, ellos se esconden en el bosque, emprendiendo la lucha contra sus opresores. Recordando la antigua creencia letona de que un hombre puede convertirse en un brujo, ellos recurren a la astucia. Tom y sus hermanos amansan una manada de lobos que luego ayuda a todos los pobres que habitan en el bosque en su lucha contra los barones locales.
A detective and a militia captain are working together investigating a murder. When their job is done, the feelings do not let them say goodbye.
A little boy sees a thirsty camel in his picture book and imagines bringing him a rain cloud.
Story about a poor orphan Dauka.
Original Music Composer
The Second World War has just ended, but national partisans are still hiding in Latvia's forests and fighting against the Soviet regime. Ansis Leinasars, who has been tasked to spark a coup in Latvia, arrives by night from across the sea, but his work is hampered at every step. His last hope is a meeting with the partisans in a church...