Brian Vermeire


Blackie & Kanuto
Hu Flung Pu (voice)
Blackie, la oveja negra, está obsesionada con ir a la Luna. Kanuto, el perro pastor, está obsesionado con Blackie, pero no quiere ni oír hablar de cohetes. Sin embargo, acaban emprendiendo el viaje soñado por Blackie. Por el camino encuentran vacas que son cantantes de ópera, lobos galantes, arañas inmigrantes sin papeles y un extraño grupito de perros que tienen un cohete listo para despegar. Pero Pinky, una descomunal oveja rosa de carácter endiablado, se lo impide.
Pete Clark
A satirical comedy spoof of Superman, combining elements of the 50s TV show and 70s feature films, in which an inept superhero tries in vain to rescue his kidnapped alter-ego boss from a hippie-turned-gangster villain.
The Duplicate
Jim Bannister
Journalist Karen Addams is fighting to keep her sanity -- it appears someone else has assumed her identity and is living her life better than she ever could. Losing a grip on her romance, her career and her friendships, Karen struggles to get her life back by exposing the impostor. But things take an unexpected turn when she discovers the true enemy is within herself!