An intelligent thriller about how women claim their freedom in a cemetery named Sad Hill, known as the final scene of Sergio Leone’s iconic spaghetti western film The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966). Four artists are finishing a workshop in a palace in Northern Spain as they recall a strange incident that happened to two long-time married couples who got lost nearby years before. After a dream-like walk in the mountains, the couples, strangers to each other, arrived in a mythic burial place called Sad Hill, where they had to face the naked facts of their hollow marriages in a totally new psychological light. The wives started the same walking ballet as did Clint Eastwood, Lee van Cleef and Eli Wallach in Leone’s film. In a few minutes, the lives of the couples would change completely.
Juan es un carterista de poca monta que sobrevive en un mundo de billares y timbas, rodeado de unos pocos amigos tan miserables como él. Todos frecuentan el garito de Ruth, una mujer madura y bien posicionada que organiza partidas de póker, y que a Juan le encarga pequeños trabajos relacionados con el cobro de deudas. En uno de esos encargos decide tomar la iniciativa y seguir a Silvia, la insatisfecha mujer de un yuppie ludópata con el que debe saldar cuentas de juego. Su objetivo es seducirla para poder sacarla dinero...