Zozo Zarpa

Zozo Zarpa


Zozo Zarpa


Perdido en el amor
1st Yaya
A modern day treasure hunt for a mystical relic that turns into a love story for all time.
An extreme passion that overturns the balance and changes the life course of a woman. Anna is a successful journalist with impeccable image and perfectly organized life. However, it has reached a borderline where nothing fills it anymore. One night, during a reportage, he will accidentally encounter a strange, mysterious and dangerous stranger, who goes through transit from Greece. Between them a relationship will be exciting, but also nightmarish ...
Two Suns in the Sky
"4th century AD and a brilliant craftsman of Dionysus, Timothy, organizes a performance of Euripides' Bacchae, rousing the people against the emperor. Lazarus, the Cappadocian, is sent to suppress the rebellion and arrest the heretic. We are in the years of the total establishment of Christianity, in a climate full of sects, conspiracies, conflicts of power and personal ambitions, in the city of Antioch, which was the last cradle of the Greek education of the Gentiles."
The Crossing
Two young people from the country, who have completed their military service, are trying to return home by hitchhiking. During their journey, they accidentally get involved in a fight in which one of them is killed. A strong and free-spirited truck driver woman comes to help of the young survivor. While the couple is on their way, the police are looking for the young man.
Ο κλοιός
Ταξί αγάπη μου
The Photograph
Ilias' Mother
Ilias Apostolou, un joven peletero que tuvo dificultades durante la dictadura, deja Castoria en 1971 para emigrar a Francia, donde espera unirse a un pariente lejano suyo, Gerassimos Tzivas, que ha estado viviendo allí desde 1950. Con él sólo se lleva de su tierra natal una fotografía de una persona que se encuentra en el pavimento. Le pide a Gerassimos que lo ayude a encontrar trabajo en París. Un malentendido en torno a la fotografía, sin embargo, desencadena una serie de eventos dramáticos.
Κόκκορας στο χαρέμι του
John the Violent
At midnight, on a deserted Athenian street, a beautiful woman named Eleni Chalkia is fatally stabbed by a stranger, who immediately disappears into the shadows. The murderer is Ioannis Zachos (Manos Logiadis), a young man lacking in both mental and sexual stability, who lives out his erotic fantasies through purifying violence. He often fantasizes about killing beautiful women, in this way compensating for his deficient manhood and satisfying his passion for power. When he is arrested, he immediately confesses his crimes, which is a relief to the police, who have been accused of gross ineptitude by the press. During the trial that follows, the relentless question, “who is ultimately guilty? Man or society?” is again raised.
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