Klaus Feichtenberger

Nacimiento : 1953-01-01, Graz, Austria


Maximiliano de México: sueños de poder
Himself - Narrator (voice)
Este documental, filmado en locaciones de Austria, Italia y México, retrata el lado humano y emocional del archiduque de Habsburgo en diferentes etapas de su vida, especialmente durante su estancia en México –a donde llegó para ser emperador–, la vida al lado de su esposa Carlota y su trágica muerte en 1867. Para construir el guion, se consultó a historiadores austriacos y mexicanos, y a un descendiente de los Habsburgo.
Lobos radiactivos
La naturaleza se recupera poco a poco en sitios en los que los humanos todavía no pueden vivir. En algún lugar del enorme desierto nuclear de Chernóbil, están apareciendo manadas de lobos que viven en una estructura arcaica ya desaparecida en Europa, en grandes manadas como venían haciendo desde tiempos inmemoriales. Hasta 1986, la zona de Chernóbil estaba poblada, había grandes zonas de cultivo y apenas había lobos. Desde esa fecha hasta hoy, se estima que la población de lobos ha crecido hasta alcanzar el medio millar. Intentan sacar el máximo partido de un paisaje que, aunque aparentemente hermoso, sufrió el accidente nuclear más grave de la historia, liberando al aire cien veces más radionucleidos que en Hiroshima y Nagasaki. De la mano del biólogo Christoph Promberger, Odisea se embarca en un viaje al norte de Ucrania para conocer el presente y el futuro de los lobos radiactivos de Chernóbil.
Secrets of the Flooded Forest - Danube National Park
After beginning in Vienna, the Danube riverbank forests extend to the gates of Bratislava, linking the two capitals like a green ribbon, forming a unique wildlife habitat in the heart of Europe. A few years ago a 36 kilometer section was turned into a national park that now protects the last undeveloped stretch of the Danube River and also the last riparian zone of its size in Central Europe.
Magic of the Mountains
This is the story of a land, where forces of nature are at play - beyond all things that a human can ever dominate or be able to conquer. The birth of Tyrol was one of collisions, where previous far apart continents were conjoined, wedged together and piled up on top of each other. The result is a steep world of diversity on the smallest area: depending on the depth of a valley or the height of a mountain ridge, depending on its direction and position at the edge or in the middle of the Alps, depending on whether its slope is steep or flat, there is a spot in Tyrol that is icy or mild, lush or paltry, dry or full of water. This film presents the fascinating world of the high mountains with all their diverse flora and fauna and the living conditions throught the seasons.
Operation OPEC - Terroranschlag in Wien
"Operation OPEC - Terror Attack in Vienna" - On December 21, 1975, six terrorists including the Germans Gabriele Tiedemann and Hans-Joachim Klein, led by Venezuelan top terrorist Carlos, attack the participants of the OPEC conference in Vienna and take eleven oil ministers and dozens of employees hostage. The action kills three people. The lavishly researched film reveals the background of the spectacular attack and establishes connections. The investigators, former hostages and some of the terrorists involved are heard.
Operation OPEC - Terroranschlag in Wien
"Operation OPEC - Terror Attack in Vienna" - On December 21, 1975, six terrorists including the Germans Gabriele Tiedemann and Hans-Joachim Klein, led by Venezuelan top terrorist Carlos, attack the participants of the OPEC conference in Vienna and take eleven oil ministers and dozens of employees hostage. The action kills three people. The lavishly researched film reveals the background of the spectacular attack and establishes connections. The investigators, former hostages and some of the terrorists involved are heard.
Salzburg - In the Shadow of the Crags
An ancient fortress, a historic centre of true baroque, the venue of a legendary stage festival - this is the Salzburg familiar to everyone. But Georg Riha's documentary presents Mozart's city from perspectives never seen before.Unshackled by space and time the viewer enters upon a unique filmic foray into one of the world's most popular cultural centres, discovering the still unknown and hidden beauties of this fascinating city off the beaten tourist tracks.
Los Bosques de Viena - Joyas de la Naturaleza
Los bosques de Viena tienen un impacto visual en el paisaje de la ciudad, siendo una fuente de vida y un santuario al mismo tiempo.
Wachau - Valley of Golden Magic
Join Georg Riha and his team in this ORF-UNIVERSUM production and discover one of the most beautiful stretches along the Danube.Featuring a great number of aerial shots, this documentary captures the cultural and natural beauty of the entire region, as well as portraying the Alzinger family in their vineyards during the seasons.The Wachau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is presented from unusual perspectives, offering spectacular views of this picturesque area.
Schönbrunn - Well of Beauty
Schönbrunn is a world of marvels and mystery, of public glamour and curious secrets. The wealth of its building and landscape architecture, the grand views and hidden details, the wildlife, tamed nature as well as its past and present human population supply more stories and images than even the most insatiable camera can record.Schönbrunn in the protean succession of the seasons, of light and shadow, day and night is presented by Sir Peter Ustinov and was broadcasted in the “ORF-UNIVERSUM”-series for the 250th anniversary of the Schönbrunn Zoo.