Joseph Mellicker


Shari & Lamb Chop
Executive Producer
Shari Lewis was a dancer, singer, and magician but is best known as the ventriloquist behind sock puppets Charlie Horse, Hush Puppy and, of course, Lamb Chop. This lively doc charts the life, loves, and career hits and misses of this spunky perfectionist, who forever changed the face of children’s television.
Las chicas de la galería
Executive Producer
Ambientada en Sydney durante el verano de 1959, se centra en el despertar cultural australiano que produjo la caída de la estructura social de clases y la liberación de la mujer. Una joven muchacha que acaba de terminar el instituto, Lisa, comienza a realizar un trabajo de verano en un centro comercial mientras espera los resultados del examen que le da acceso a la Universidad de Sydney. Allí conocerá a un grupo de mujeres que la transformarán por completo.
Executive Producer
Focusing on the life and legacy of actor Gene Wilder, told through the lens of Jordan Walker-Pearlman, the late actor’s nephew and a filmmaker in his own right.