The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius, Claude Shannon (the "Father of Information Theory"), who revolutionized the world, but never lost his childlike curiosity.
TV-Dad has never had a family of his own, and when he finds out that he is going to die, he creates TV-Dad, a series of videotapes that contain his fatherly and husbandly advice in actions. Follow Judy when she purchases the TV-Dad video services and has a child with it as we watch how her life plays out.
Produced by the Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto; Arts at CERN, the arts program of the European Laboratory of Particle Physics, Geneva, with the support of the Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations, Geneva; Sprengel Museum, Hannover, with the support of Niedersächsische Sparkassenstiftung; and New Museum, New York