Harald Schrott

Harald Schrott

Nacimiento : 1967-10-12, Mutters, Tyrol, Austria


Harald Schrott


Prior Gregor
In this case, Sascha Bergmann from LKA Graz and his colleague Anni Sulmtaler investigate the death of a young woman who is found by the novice Clemens at the foot of a staircase in the monastery library.
Blind ermittelt: Tod im Prater
Ludwig Rabitsch
Philipp Hochmair, the newly appointed special investigator, and his partner Andreas Guenther immerse themselves in the equally dazzling and twilight world of the Prater showmen in the sixth "Vienna thriller". To solve the murder of a strikingly successful businessman, the opposing duo must not only uncover his secrets, but also get a tight-knit circle of suspects to speak up.
Enemigos: El abogado
Mr. Von Bode
El veterano abogado defensor Konrad Biegler acepta la defensa de un hombre acusado de secuestrar a una joven. En el juicio deberá enfrentarse al tenaz inspector de policía Peter Nadler.
Enemigos: El comisario
Mr. Von Bode
Cuando una niña es secuestrada, el implacable inspector de policía Peter Nadler emprende una carrera contra el tiempo para rescatarla.
Zibilla, a young zebra adopted by a couple of horses, is the laughing stock of her new schoolmates. She ends up hating her stripes. When she has her stuffed toy stolen, she takes off without a second thought to look for it and that is where her adventures begin...
Dengler - Brennende Kälte
Wiener Blut
Stefan Meer
A brutal-looking man drives through Vienna in a pick-up – with human cargo on the locked loading area. His victim, bound and gagged, is Karl Burger.
1989: A spy story
Richard Starke
Debido a la caída del Muro de Berlín, un agente doble es perseguido por la CIA
Heinrich Schliemann
Can Cleo turn back time? It seems that misfortune has been haunting her loved ones since she was born. A legendary treasure sounds like the solution to her problems, but Cleo will have to let go of the past.
Nachts baden
Jenny, 21 years old and business student, is very ambitious. She will take her Bachelor's degree with brilliant grades. But when it comes down to it, she is haunted by panic attacks.
Huellas del otro lado
Harald Lenski
El médico forense Fred Abel colabora en una investigación de asesinato en la Oficina Federal de Policía Criminal en Berlín, realizando un acto no oficial y estando él mismo involucrado en el caso.
We Are Half The World
George Clemenceau
They were, at best mocked or ridiculed, at worst incarcerated, tortured, or even beheaded. But they would not be deterred. For decades ten thousands of women in Germany, Great Britain, in France, the U.S. and many other countries fought for their right to vote. Some used the institutions, others turned into media savvy politicians, and still others turned to terrorism, went on hunger strike, or died as martyrs. 100 years later we tell a multi-perspective and emotional story of the international fight, against all odds, for women’s suffrage as an important step towards equal rights.
Erik & Erika
Prof. Dr. Kübler
Erik(a) Schinegger – the ski star who became a media sensation. Erika was hailed as a champion skier, until a sex test determined that she was a he – and Erik was rejected and accused of fraud. A story based on real life, a tale about nature and the taboo subjects of 1970s society.
Krügers Odyssee
Cold Water
Kapitän Krug
Hey Bunny
A misanthropist ex-hacker is suspected of sabotaging a famous happiness-research facility. He is forced to prove his innocence and stumbles into a wild adventure, during which he involuntarily becomes an idealistic activist, has to deal with strange, possibly supernatural rabbits and his crazy family - and regains a little belief in happiness.
Ein Geheimnis im Dorf - Schwester und Bruder
Matti Kemmer
Irene, the mayor of a Styrian community, also helps her mother and stepfather in their small department store and takes touching care of her 17-year-old brother. But when Paul Berger, an innovative cook, wants to take over the old village inn, wounds of the past break open and a dark secret slowly comes to light...
Lou Andreas-Salomé, The Audacity to be Free
Sigmund Freud
Biopic de la escritora rusa Lou Andreas-Salomé (1861-1937), una mujer adelantada a su tiempo que departió con Nietzsche, fue analizada por Sigmund Freud y se rodeó de grandes de artistas y escritores de finales de la época como el poeta Rainer Maria Rilke, de la que fue amante.
Meine Tochter Anne Frank
Fritz Pfeffer
The name Anne Frank stands for courage and confidence in hopeless times. But also for the cheeky and unsparing view of an adolescent on her family and her environment. Millions of people around the world know her diary, she wrote it while hiding from the Nazis. With this docu-drama, the first major German film adaptation of the life story of the Frankfurt girl is now available. The film follows Anne's fate from a happy childhood to hiding in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam to her death in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. It focuses on the relationship between father and daughter. Otto Frank was the only one who survived the betrayal of the Secret Annex residents. The most secret thoughts and longings
El baile de Martha
Dr. Frank Hymann
La doctora Martha Nichols ( Susanna Simon ) es llamada para una misión especial: Una niña se encuentra en el borde de un puente de gran altura en Nueva Inglaterra y amenaza con saltar. Normalmente Martha siempre mantiene la mente fria en este tipo de situaciones. Pero no esta vez. Sólo unos pocos minutos antes, ha recibido de la escuela de su hija una llamada en la que la dicen que Paula no ha aparecido. Martha tendrá que lidiar con el miedo. Es su hija tal vez la chica del puente? Por desgracia, sus temores se confirmaron ...
Alles Fleisch ist Gras
Ingomar Kranz
Roland Mathis dies after falling down the stairs. He was an unsavoury private eye who had been blackmailing Anton Galba and his secret lover about their affair. Galba, who is the director of the local sewage treatment plant in Dornbirn, panics and gets rid of the body by putting it in the grinder. Nathan Weiss, the police officer investigating the case immediately suspects Galba. However, he can also think of a nasty character he would like to get rid of. Galba has no choice but to help him, but for Weiss this is just the beginning: It’s time to eradicate the scum from society.
No Time for Dreaming
Roman Falk
Merle is often distracted by daydreams. When her teacher Heinicken threatens her parents, Kathrin and Roman Falkrät, with expelling the 11-year-old from high school due to her bad grades, the mother sends her to a psychologist. She diagnoses her with ADD, or Attention-Deficit Disorder. But her parents don’t want her to take remedial drugs, so they attempt to help their daughter on their own. Their jobs, their marriage and her teenage sister Lea are increasingly at risk...
Der Tropfen - Ein Roadmovie
Rainer has a miserable life. He works as a pizza delivery guy in a small eastern german town. Unhappy with his situation and apparently short on money he's also struggeling with the dementia of his mother, who he cares for. Soon he can't take it anymore having anything accomplished in his life. With his mother in a home and a self-made bomb in the back of his delivery scooter he's heading north to Berlin. The road trip begins.
Jürgen Bamberger
Once again, the "border crossing" is celebrated, as every seven years in the Upper Hessian town of Bergen. It is really turbulent at this folk festival, when the municipal boundaries are confirmed from old tradition and everything is upside down. For this occasion leaves Thomas Weidmann his girlfriend and flees because of his botched university career from the city of Berlin back to his native village. At the party, he meets Kerstin Werner, whose life has just come out of joint - her marriage is broken and her husband Jürgen on the jump to another, younger woman.
The Almost Perfect Man
Schon wieder Henriette
Siegfried Anzengruber
Die Holzbaronin
Gustav Seitz
"Cuando otros tienen su corazón, ella tiene un pedazo de madera"
Beutolomäus und der falsche Verdacht
Pastor Brünning
El mar al alba
Oberst Speidel
Drama basado en hechos reales sobre la ocupación alemana en Francia, incluyendo la historia de Guy Moquet, un joven francés comunista que fue ejecutado por los nazis y se convirtió en un símbolo de la resistencia francesa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Alles was recht ist - Sein oder Nichtsein
Lukas Schloss
Die Kinder von Blankenese
Ben Yehuda
Tamar, Josef, Bracha and Wolfgang survived the persecution and the camps. May 1945. The children do not know where their parents are. In the former Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, they now live next to English soldiers and broken concentration camp inmates. They find shelter in the villa of the Jewish Warburg family in Hamburg-Blankenese. From Hell to Paradise. Anti-Semitism in post-war Germany is catching up with children and educators - hostility in the zoo, disregard in the local hospital. The children are waiting impatiently for the long journey to their new home in Palestine.
Amor en los fiordos: Tormenta de verano
Rune Vigeland
La exitosa profesional Karen Lund, cansada de esperar a su príncipe azul, se reencuentra casualmente con su novio del instituto, Rune Vigeland. Ella le había dejado hace años, pero ahora se le antoja como la última oportunidad para ser feliz, así que decide dejar Oslo con él y acompañarle a un pueblo en los fiordos, donde él va a poner en marcha el sueño de su vida: una granja para la cría de caballos. Al principio todo parece marchar sobre ruedas, pero Rune tiene un accidente y permanece hospitalizado durante semanas. En ese tiempo, Karen se ve obligada a aceptar la ayuda de su vecino, el arrogante Lars Petersen, por el que no puede evitar sentirse atraída. La atracción es mutua y, cuando Rune regrese del hospital, Karen deberá aclarar sus sentimientos.
Lorenz Kern
Pretty Mama
10 Sekunden
No overview found.
Vater Tom
Ein starker Abgang
Sooner or Later
Nora is fourteen and lives with her parents in a quiet Berlin suburb. She is a romantic introvert who spends her day retreated into her own enchanted dreamworld. Her parents, Anette and Uwe, are busy trying to handle reality; both are wrestling with unrealized hopes and dreams along with the added troubles caused by Anette's return to her studies and Uwe's struggling business. When Thomas, a former lover of Anette's and his family move in next door, the already fragile foundations of Nora's family are rocked.
GG 19 – Deutschland in 19 Artikeln
Christian, Art. 4
Fay Grim
Continuación de "Henry Fool". La historia empieza ocho años después de que Henry abandonara el país dejando a su mujer, Fay Grim, y a su hijo Ned que ya tiene catorce años. Henry Fool había revolucionado la vida de Simon y de su hermana Fay. Con Fay tuvo una tormentosa relación sexual, con Simon un pacto de amistad. Un buen día, tal como llegó, se fue, pero Simon fue a parar a la cárcel por haberlo ayudado a escapar de la justicia. Simon ha tenido tiempo de sobra, en la soledad de su celda, para pensar que Henry no era en absoluto el hombre que aparentaba ser. Sus sospechas se ven confirmadas cuando Fay le cuenta que la CIA le ha pedido que viaje a París para recuperar ciertos objetos personales de Henry...
Allein gegen die Angst
Jochen Wiesner
Measures to Better the World
Friedrich Krüger
A mockumentary in 8 episodes: new solutions and thinking models, which will be with us in the near future and make the world a little more livable. An "active health insurance", in which the insured directly take over everything including medical activities and thus save costs. A new currency that expires in a few weeks and therefore stimulates spending. Unemployed people who, as "loan siblings", are given a new job and a good life. The traffic therapy group that wants to make you understand the snake as a "unitary organism". A therapy office in the fresh air, which finally gives musty psychotherapy a healthy freedom. Color the world back into balance, at least in the parking lot. Or use humans as a self-sufficient source of energy. Or a tangibly equal democracy: All people attain the same eye level, an optimal 1.9m [via platform shoes].
21 Liebesbriefe
Fabian Stiller
Die Stunde der Offiziere
Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg
Peas at 5:30
It all starts with a bang. The car breaks through the crash barrier and falls off the bridge. The lights go out. After that, he is not able to see anymore. His optic nerve is severed, from now on the young stage-director Jakob is blind. His life will change and nothing will ever be the same. Jakob cannot handle the idea of never being able to see again and screams at the only woman who is able and willing to help him, Lily. A rehabilitation teacher, she helps the blind deal with the darkness. Lily has been living with it since birth, she too is blind.
Scheidungsopfer Mann
Several episodes set on Christmas Eve.
Die Rückkehr
Thomas 'Tommi' Eicher
Das Staatsgeheimnis
Todo por el éxito
Viktor Vogel sueña con triunfar en una agencia de publicidad. Un día, sin previo aviso, se presenta en la reunión de una campaña de Opel. Viktor causa buena impresión pero está claro que no funciona para ese empleo ya que es demasiado honesto y directo. Sin embargo, precisamente eso es lo que atrae a la directora de marketing, quien le ayudará a conseguir un trabajo en la empresa, ni más ni menos que dirigir una millonaria campaña.
El silencio tras el disparo
Andreas Klein
Una joven que fue terrorista en Alemania en los años setenta intenta dejar atrás su pasado con una nueva identidad.
Am Ende wird alles sichtbar