Philippe Diaz


Tell My Story
A grieving father seeks answers after his 14-year-old son kills himself. He uncovers painful truths about the lives of teens, the impact of unfettered access to internet and social media, and the shocking rise of depression among America’s youth.
Now & Later
El sexo, la política y la cultura estadounidense se mezclan en una combinación combustible en Now & Later. Angela es una inmigrante latina ilegal que vive en Los Ángeles y se encuentra con Bill, un banquero deshonrado que está huyendo. Ella lo acoge. A través de sexo apasionado, conversaciones de búsqueda del alma que van desde la política a la filosofía y otros placeres mundanos, Angela le presenta a Bill otra visión del mundo. A medida que su relación se calienta, el curso de la vida de Bill comienza a tomar un giro abrupto e inesperado.
Now & Later
El sexo, la política y la cultura estadounidense se mezclan en una combinación combustible en Now & Later. Angela es una inmigrante latina ilegal que vive en Los Ángeles y se encuentra con Bill, un banquero deshonrado que está huyendo. Ella lo acoge. A través de sexo apasionado, conversaciones de búsqueda del alma que van desde la política a la filosofía y otros placeres mundanos, Angela le presenta a Bill otra visión del mundo. A medida que su relación se calienta, el curso de la vida de Bill comienza a tomar un giro abrupto e inesperado.
Now & Later
El sexo, la política y la cultura estadounidense se mezclan en una combinación combustible en Now & Later. Angela es una inmigrante latina ilegal que vive en Los Ángeles y se encuentra con Bill, un banquero deshonrado que está huyendo. Ella lo acoge. A través de sexo apasionado, conversaciones de búsqueda del alma que van desde la política a la filosofía y otros placeres mundanos, Angela le presenta a Bill otra visión del mundo. A medida que su relación se calienta, el curso de la vida de Bill comienza a tomar un giro abrupto e inesperado.
The End of Poverty?
The End of Poverty? asks if the true causes of poverty today stem from a deliberate orchestration since colonial times which has evolved into our modern system whereby wealthy nations exploit the poor. People living and fighting against poverty answer condemning colonialism and its consequences; land grab, exploitation of natural resources, debt, free markets, demand for corporate profits and the evolution of an economic system in in which 25% of the world's population consumes 85% of its wealth. Featuring Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, authors/activist Susan George, Eric Toussaint, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and more.
Speaking Freely Volume 5: Hugo Chavez
In this special volume of the series, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speaks to members of the international press corps about the advantages of socialism over capitalism and explains why true democracy cannot exist under the latter. Noting that the American empire's practice of privatization, foreign intervention, and violence is not conducive to a humanistic society, Chavez instead offers that the healthiest government is one in which all of its citizens play a role in its construction and development-that the ultimate voice is the voice of the people and that Venezuela will always be committed to maintaining that ideal. Taped on location in Caracas, this briefing is one that will never be shown on American network news and one that should be viewed by anyone who is intrigued by this controversial world leader.
Speaking Freely Volume 4: Chalmers Johnson
Author of Blowback, The Sorrows of Empire, and Nemesis: The Last Days of the American Republic, Chalmers Johnson has literally written the book on the concept of American hegemony. A former naval officer and consultant to the C.I.A., he now serves as professor emeritus of UC San Diego. As co-founder and president of the Japan Policy Research Institute, Mr. Johnson also continues to promote public education about Asia's role in the international community. In this exclusive interview, you will find out why the practice of empire building is, by no means, a thing of the past. As the United States continues to expand its military force around the globe, the consequences are being suffered by each and every one of us.
Driving to Zigzigland
A chronicle of a day in the life of a Palestinian cab driver in Los Angeles, DRIVING TO ZIGZIGLAND, portrays the social struggle of the Arab immigrant in post-9/11 America. A film audition typecasts Bashar to play an Al Qaeda terrorist role. The utilities are due and Bashar has twenty-four hours to make the money. For the remaining hours left until tomorrow, an unceasing flow of passengers ride in Bashar's taxi and give the Arab cabbie the run around on issues that deal with suicide bombers, George Bush, Cat Stevens, the war in Iraq, music, and world geography. Bashar's quest to make the money is won until he realizes he has to choose between the Department of Homeland Security and his family.
The Third Wish
Maggie (Mattison), quien atiende una ´tienda de libros de segundo uso, se concede tres deseos después de que ella se encuentra una copia de primera edición de Grandes esperanzas de Charles Dickens.
Investigation of a film above suspicion
A documentary on the set of the ultra eventful Leos Carax film "Les Amants du Pont-Neuf", which spans three years of filming and knows an accumulation of disasters, increasing an initial budget of 32 million francs to more than 120 million francs.
How to Be Louise
Haunted by the death of her mother and without role models, dreamer Louise scours her world for someone to imitate. With the help of James Joyce's Ulysses and a taxi-driving poet, Louise discovers she is the woman she thought she would never be.
Cayenne Palace
French Guiana has long been the site for some notorious prisons surrounded by dense jungle. In this story, Noel Caradec (Richard Berry) is a bereft son who has come from France to the tropical South American country to look for his father, who fled from the prison and disappeared years ago. He runs into serious opposition from the owner of a hotel and bar known as Cayenne-Palace. The man also happens to be at the center of all the illegal goings-on in the region. However, Noel is not entirely without friends, as his half-brother Xavier and the people of the jungle are on his side.
Mala sangre
Executive Producer
París, en un futuro cercano. Marc y Hans son dos ladrones que deben dinero a una intransigente mujer americana que les da sólo dos semanas para pagar. Planean robar y vender un nuevo antídoto para curar un virus parecido al del SIDA, que está matando a los que "practican el amor sin amor", pero necesitan un cómplice. Reclutan a Alex, alias "lengua veloz", un chico rebelde que acaba de romper su relación con su novia de 16 años de edad.