Viktor Proskurin

Viktor Proskurin

Nacimiento : 1952-02-08, Atbasar, Kazakh SSR, USSR

Muerte : 2020-06-30


Viktor Proskurin


Грааль Магдалины Егоровой
Cathedral curator
Siglo XIII. Rusia está fragmentada y está a punto de caer de rodillas ante el Gran Khan Batu de la Horda de Oro del yugo mongol-tártaro. Los invasores no encuentran una seria resistencia, han quemado varias ciudades y han regado con sangre la tierra rusa. Pero surge un valiente guerrero que se atreve a desafiarlos, es un joven caballero de Riazán, Yevpatiy Kolovrat, quien junto a su escuadra de valientes, está dispuesto a vengar a su amada y a su país.
Forgotten by God
The story of a Russian family living and dying through four wars: the Russian Civil War in 1920, the Great Patriotic War in 1942, the First Chechen War in 1996, and the Russian military intervention in Ukraine in 2017.
The Kind of Commander He Is
Poem Reciter
A story of life and service of the combat general and commander Viktor Kudlai, from himself and in the comments of his subordinates. In the film there are verses by Galich, Galkin and Karpenko performed by the three great Soviet and Russian actors.
Chef's Life Is Available
While visiting the old pub Andrey suddenly gets an opportunity to try to live somebody's else life. Available for rent is a life of famous chef and restaurants owner...
The Dawns Here Are Quiet
Es a finales de primavera de 1942 , y la Gran Guerra Patria está en pleno apogeo . Un largo camino desde la línea de frente, en algún cruce olvidado por Dios , los alemanes hacen una operación de desembarco aéreo en un intento de conseguir a través de la vía férrea Kirov y el Mar Blanco - Canal del Mar Báltico. Estos no son sólo paracaidistas ordinarios. Este es un equipo de infiltrados experimentados y altamente capacitados , la élite de las Waffen -SS , superhumanos . La única cosa en su camino es una unidad de artillería antiaérea de Vaskov corporal y cinco mujeres jóvenes en formación . ¿Pueden el cabo y sus pequeños ' novatos ' hacer para prevenir el sabotaje nazi y a qué costo ?
Express 'Moscow-Russia'
This is a story about a guy who is willing to sell the soul, just to dial million views for your videos on YouTube. On the way to his goal, he turns into a fast train "Moscow - Vladivostok», where faced with an American actress, suffering aerophobia. On the way strangers expect such adventures that they lag behind the train that trying to catch up, moving our unpredictable and fabulous Mother Russia - After each of them need to be in Vladivostok exactly 7 days - for reasons which they carefully conceal from each other.
Gagarin: Pionero del espacio
La película está dedicada a los primeros pasos de la humanidad en el camino de la exploración espacial y directamente el destino del primer cosmonauta Yuri Gagarin. El motivo principal: la lucha por el derecho a ser el primero: la competencia en el primer cosmonauta, la competencia en tecnología de misiles, la confrontación de las superpotencias, la URSS y los EE. UU. En el primer grupo de astronautas fueron seleccionados entre tres mil pilotos de combate en todo el país. Dentro de los veinte legendarios se buscó lo mejor de lo mejor. Cuál de ellos volará primero, nadie lo sabía. De esta manera, tuvo que lidiar no solo con la atracción de la tierra ...
Грозное время
Novgorod boyar
There Was the War
June 1941. Two young village boys are taken by surprise by the outbreak of war. One of them receives a summons to the draft board, although he is not at all eager to go to the front. Another boy, an ardent Komsomol member goes to the militia voluntarily. Accelerated military courses, broken first love - and a platoon of militia with our friends find themselves on the edge of the impending German armada ... The test by fire will show who is who ...
If you hear me
Larisa is a young woman in her early thirties with a successful career in a travel agency. She has enough money but leads a monotonous lonely life. One day Gera, a man from her past, reappears, tells her that he had divorced his wife and wants them to get back together. Larisa though doesn't want to plunge back into the relationship that hurt her so badly in the past and therefore escapes on a spontaneous business trip to Crimea. There she nearly gets into an accident on water but is fortunately saved by a mysterious handsome Stranger...
Film Festival
The musical follows events taking place at the Moscow International Film Festival, at the beginning of Perestroika. The plot focuses on Nikolay Vasiliev one of the many Interpreters hired to work at the festival by the imposing Margo Altshuller (who is in charge of all the interpreters). While working Nikolay meets and falls in love with a young and very attractive interpreter Marina Almazova. As hundreds of foreign guests arrive in Moscow, the KGB plots to discredit Hollywood star Richard Dirk. The KGB appoints Valya Kashina, to go undercover as a personal interpreter for Dirk. What follows is intrigue, romance, confusion and misunderstandings, all making for an unforgettable Moscow International Film Festival.
Short breath
He is young, but behind his back is already a great life experience: first, the divorce of his parents, then the Chechen war, where he ended up of his own free will. After a serious wound, he returns to the peaceful life of a big city. His beloved girl accuses him of male insolvency, and a severe mental trauma received in the war leads the hero to an attempted suicide. A native father comes to the rescue, who introduces his son to an experienced, mature woman with a dubious past. It is she who returns the guy self-confidence and interest in life. Initially, it was assumed that this connection would be temporary, but unexpectedly for all, a deep feeling arises between the characters ...
Oy, Frost, Frost!
Sometimes you need to become somebody else in order to understand your own destiny...
День хомячка
The series is dedicated to the tax police, and to the employees of the elite secret division “COBRA” (Quick Response Team).
Two comrads
The mid-60s, the time of the "thaw" after the terrible Stalin years. There was a "golden youth" - dudes in trousers with a pipe, jazz "on the ribs", the first farcers. Two blockheads cheerfully while away, trying the delights of adulthood - dancing, wine, girls. But in the end, everyone chooses his life path.
To Kill the Actor
Шесть лет назад он отчаянно вырвался отсюда, задыхаясь в узких стенах провинциального театра. Из актерского прошлого в новый коммерческий мир он взял только кличку «Лицедей». Но желанная личная свобода оказывается еще более призрачной. Ему надлежит стать разыгранной пешкой в чужой игре, где на кону огромные деньги, а ставка - жизнь. Заблудившемуся человеку суждено сделать круг. Лицедею приходится выживать именно здесь - в стенах некогда покинутого театра, с помощью людей, с легкостью забытых им когда-то...
У попа была собака...
Oleg Ivanovich Shevtsov - sledovatel
doktor (w napisach: Wiktor Proskurin)
A young Russian aristocrat, Baron Fyodor Jeremin, volunteers to serve with a Dragon squadron to impress the girl who rejected his love. Just at this time the 1863 insurrection explodes in Poland. He enlists to serve in the army being sent to suppress the revolt. He believes that now it's enough to defeat the Poles, become an officer and hero, get a bunch of medals, and then return and lay all of this at the feet of her beloved. However, the "little Polish war" looks completely different to the way that young Jeremin imagined it to be. In course of time, he learns to be on the wrong side. But there is no escape - he must kill or he will be killed. What's more, he falls in love with a beautiful Polish girl...
A Very Faithful Wife
At twenty-two years, the heroine was left alone with the child. Will she not lose the desire to remain faithful to her husband and wait for his return from prison? Can the temptation of loneliness be overcome after a failed marriage and struggle with myself, with my natural desires to love and be loved?
Время вашей жизни
Reflections in a Mirror
Viktor is a highly successful and wealthy actor. For years, he has sought distraction from his inner poverty through his relationships with women. In this movie, his marriage to an emotionally overwrought woman comes under strain when he hops into bed with a teen-aged adorer. However, this isn't the relationship his wife should worry about. The actor has a far more sinister relationship with a plain, hard-faced woman who expresses her deep contempt for the actor. The more she does so, the more he loves her; the more he loves her, the more contempt she shows. Eventually, he comes to see that these relationships are mirrors of his inner life -- which arouses him to despair, as he cannot bear to own up to this.
Ivan Ivanovich
A romantic and funny fantasy about the events occurred during the building of a first railroad in Russia.
Гол в Спасские ворота
Seven Days After the Murder
Neighbour Shurik
A terrible tragedy occurs in the family of a famous general: one of his daughters is killed. The investigator leading the case understands that an outwardly prosperous and friendly family only seems to be pretending to be happy.
Afghan Breakdown
During the main withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, a company of hardened paratroopers under the command of Major Bandura are joined by Steklov, the son of a high-ranking officer.
Poslednyaya Osen
Начало 80-х годов прошлого века, закат "эры Брежнева"... Сотрудник МУРа честный и неподкупный майор Корнеев расследует дела о разбойных грабежах квартир состоятельных советских граждан. Банда действует явно по чьей-то наводке. В ходе расследования майор неожиданно выходит на крупных милицейских начальников, давно ставших "кунаками" воротил преступного мира...
Tale of the Moon Outstanding
The legendary commander of the Civil War, the winner of Wrangel arrives in the capital at the call of Stalin. In the capital, he is perplexed to learn that the Politburo at a special meeting decided to force him to operate on a long-standing ulcer. The attending physician is convinced that the operation is not needed, but, obeying party discipline, the old Bolshevik lies on the operating table.
Accidental Waltz
Tatyana Prokofievna is an ageing woman with a diva’s behavior, but her life is uneventful, ordinary and dull. To escape the everyday slumber she seeks companionship of young men. She provides shelter and becomes involved in their problems. Her ex-boyfriend has married a younger woman. Tatyana is forced to keep her loneliness hidden because of her role as hostess.
Scourge of God
After leaving prison, 40 years old Lyashenko robbed a man at the station and, along with the money, stole a passport. Realizing that he had robbed his childhood friend, Lyashenko decided to return the stolen goods. A night conversation between the tramp Leonid Lyashenko and the successful official.
Записки Пирата
пёс Пират
Без мундира
Detskaya ploshchadka
Muerte o victoria
Un tren armado por las fuerzas nazis está aterrorizando una zona rural en Yugoslavia. Las fuerzas aliadas deciden enviar un comando para pararles los pies.
Когда становятся взрослыми
To Marry the Captain
Captain Blinov
Captain Alexander Blinov goes on vacation and has to give a package to Lena. Lena is freelance photo journalist who runs from job to job. She also has a long conflicting relationship with her retired neighbor who thinks that people like her shouldn't live. Somehow, Blinov get's involved in that conflict and all other Lena's crazy adventures, and falls in love.
На миг оглянуться
Lev Tolstoy
Andrei Lvovich
The film consists of two parts: “Insomnia” and “Departure”. We shall meet Lev Tolstoy in the final years of his life at Yasnaya Polyana. We shall see him surrounded by his family, friends, acquaintances and absolute strangers who were coming to the great man and artist from all over the world. We shall hear “the voice of his thoughts”. In his sleepless nights, we shall follow his memory of the happy youthful years and the crucial, hard ones. We shall witness Tolstoy’s tragic departure from Yasnaya Polyana and his death at an obscure little station of Astapovo.
A Cruel Romance
In the town of Bryakhimov, noble but poor widow Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova seeks to arrange marriages for her three daughters. She maintains an “open house”, hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry a dowry-less girl for love.
War-Time Romance
This melodrama revolves around the post-war meeting reunion an intelligent front-line officer, now happily married, and a woman street vendor. This encounter reawakens in them submerged feelings of gratitude and tenderness as the officer recalls how they met during the war and what she used to mean to him. Now he learns that she is alone with a small daughter, the girl's father having been killed at the front.
Обещаю быть!
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra, Part 2
Thadeus Sholto / Bartholomew Sholto
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra, Part 1
Thadeus Sholto / Bartholomew Sholto
The Queen of Spades
Hermann is an officer of the engineers in the Imperial Russian Army. He constantly watches the other officers gamble, but never plays himself. One night, Tomsky tells a story about his grandmother, an elderly countess. Many years ago, in France, she lost a fortune at cards, and then won it back with the secret of the three winning cards, which she learned from the notorious Count of St. Germain. Hermann becomes obsessed with obtaining the secret.
After the death of his wife, Pyotr Maksimovich Zverev’s life didn't develop very happily: relations with a woman whom he loved were difficult to develop, and it was also not easy with adult children. And therefore, he did not expect anything special and joyful from the coming day of his birthday...
The House That Swift Built
An immaculate, vivid and breathtaking implementation of Swift's romanticism.
Born by the Storm
Ukraine, 1918. Underground worker Sigismund Raevsky organizes a Komsomol cell and gathers young people to fight against the German invaders...
Three Times About Love
Former soldier returns to his village only to discover that his girlfriend married another man.
Two Long Hoots in the Fog
Vadim Chekin
In a deserted tundra on the lake, a seaplane makes an emergency landing, on board of which bank collectors carry a large amount of money. A storm begins and the plane relates to the river delta. An unknown person steals money from an airplane and kills a geologist, an accidental witness. And a few days later the ship departs from the northern port for the last navigation voyage, where a recidivist hides among the motley company of passengers, and the captain begins his own investigation...
The Vacancy
An eccentric musical about what awaits a young honest man who does not want to enjoy the benefits of a "profitable place", despite the fact that he has a young wife, a very persistent mother-in-law and an influential uncle.
Единственный мужчина
Родительский день
Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later
Kirill Kruglov
During the twenty years school reunion classmates suddenly learn that one of them - Nadezhda Kruglova - is a proud mother of ten children.
Путешествие в другой город
Exercise with three unknowns
Gennadiy Potapov
Criminal investigation is investigating the case of robbery of the factory cashier. At the checkpoint of the factory of precision mechanics and optics, two criminals attack the cashier. Criminals manage to escape by the car, waiting for them around the corner. At the scene of the crime, criminal investigation officers arrive Major Dorokhov and Lieutenant Matushkin. They interview witnesses, but they did not remember properly any attackers or machine numbers, but noticed that one prevented the other from firing.
According to the Criminal Investigation Service...
German intelligence is sending a terrorist group to the Soviet Union in the beginning of WWII.
The newlyweds return to Moscow after a wonderful sea cruise on the Black Sea. It seems that they will have a happy life ahead, their beloved job, but chance rudely cuts off all dreams: Viktor doesn't have time to slow down and knocks down an elderly woman with his Zhiguli. His desire to evade responsibility is replaced by repentance and a decision to accept the burden of guilt upon himself.
Bells of Autumn
A musical fairytale based on the poem "The Tale of the Dead Princess" by Alexander Pushkin.
Summer Trip to the Sea
A story about a group of Arkhangelsk kids during 1942.
И это все о нем
Борис Маслов
A Dog Was Walking on the Piano
The 16-year-old Tanya Canareykina decided to drastically change her life. For starters she fell in love with a pilot who played the trumpet and had sad, dreaming eyes. Because of him, she stopped seeing Misha whom she’d known since early childhood. She did like Misha, but he wasn’t romantic at all…
The School Waltz
The ten-graders Gosha and Zosya are in love with each other. The last school waltz has been played and it seems nothing stands any longer in the way of the young people being together. However, getting the news that he’s going to be a father soon, Gosha chooses a “free life” and… marries Dina who has long been in love with him, though with no reciprocity. But already at the registry office, the lucky winner realizes that getting Gosha as her husband doesn’t mean getting his love, that unintentionally she made her loved one unhappy and they have no future together…
A story about seven year old Grishka, his adventures during the Civil War, and his Budyonovka - Red Army cap.
The Last Sacrifice
Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Nikolayevich Ostrovsky. The rich merchant widow Yuliya Tugina is practically ruined by her lover, impoverished nobleman Vadim Dulchin, who loves only himself and gambling. Merchant Flor Fedulych in love with a young widow Yuliya Pavlovna. But all her thoughts are occupied by the handsome Dulchin. But the wise and prudent merchant builds his intrigue, and soon they will have to combine marriage with the unloved, but the rich.
Spring Selection
Mater-Sergeant Karpenko just got a new squad... Now he must teach the rookies how to become a good soldiers and a good men.
Other People's Letters
Zina is sixteen. She is a manipulative schoolgirl living in a small Russian town among sincere and simple people. Zina is nice on the surface, but so unable to enjoy normal life, that she is desperately trying to hurt someone. She tries to seduce and compromise a handsome young man, but he is smart enough to see through her and escapes from her trap. Zina manipulates her classmates so she looks like a victim. Now Zina's teacher, Vera, a sweet and loving lady, takes care of her trying to save the troubled girl, but in return, Zina becomes extremely crafty to hurt the teacher.
Двое в пути
The Long Recess
Gena Lyapichev
A young teacher goes to a school for adults. He is younger than many of his students and some of them are starting to miss school.
Byelorussian Station
The heroes of the movie last seen each other on the Belarusian railway station in the summer of 1945. A quarter-century, they meet at the funeral of comrade.
Chapay's Eaglets
Adventures of a group of children during Civil War in Russia.