From Murnau to Herzog, and until modern incarnations, a mischievous exploration of a cinematographic legendary character, with Nosferatu himself as a guide...
Documentary of 3 parts that narrates based on the film "The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen" (1943), the progression of color cinema developed in Europe.
En esta ocasión, el osito polar Lars viaja a las Islas Galápagos junto a sus amigos de siempre, como Robby y Caruso el pingüino. En este paraíso tropical conocen a muchos exóticos y divertidos animales como pájaros, cangrejos y tortugas. Pero unos científicos intentan atrapar a un nuevo y misterioso amigo de Lars, por lo que nuestro intrépido osito necesitará la ayuda de todos sus amigos para hacer fracasar el plan de los científicos...
Laura encuentra una estrella que ha caído del cielo. Con cariño, le arregla la patita con escayola y comienzan una maravillosa amistad. Sin embargo, Laura se da cuenta de que la estrella se está apagando en la tierra y de que tiene que dejarla volver al cielo con la ayuda del niño de los vecinos.
Berlin Film Fest 1984. The best place for every cinema fan. Everyone wants to be in on the festival, but that may be really difficult, if one has no accreditation. Also Journalist Matthies gets to know the rules of being in or out when he wants to see a screening and is not welcome. Thus he watches an old German silent flick which he is barely interested in. The next day the newspapers are full of reports about a newly discovered German masterpiece from the silent era. It seems that Matthies had luck. He just saw *the* film everybody is talking about now. Also everybody is speculating about its director, who remains unknown. When Matthies talks to Ackrewa, an old befriended projectionist, about the film, the latter seems to recall the name of the director. Matthies decides to research the case. An odyssey into film-history begins and if it is successful Matthies will come up with a top story.