Ballerina Jung always wears a mask to hide her facial hairs. Everyone, including her boyfriend Goo-chul, around her recommend her against having a dangerous hair removal surgery yet reluctant to face her without the mask. Eventually she decides to take it. At the very last second in the operation room, she realizes something she's been denying all along that her hairs look good on her.
Senior Police Officer (seg. 6)
Anthology film of six shorts by leading Korean directors. Park Chan-Wook, tackles racial prejudice and the economic exploitation of immigrant workers through the real-life story of a Nepalese woman in Korea. Jeong Jae-Eun, tackles the plight of a paedophile released into the community. Yeo Gyun-Dong, invites disabled actor Kim Moon-Joo to re-enact his most famous protest. Im Soon-Rye, goes for the engrained sexism of Korean men with superb wit and, Park Jin-Pyo, confronts the horror of children forced into oral surgery to improve their English-speaking ability.
Senior Police Officer
"Never Ending Peace and Love" (or "N.E.P.A.L.") is part of the South Korean omnibus film "If You Were Me" (2003). Comprising six short films directed by six prominent Korean directors and commissioned by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, "If You Were Me" deals with discrimination in the country. The directors were given free rein with regards to subject and style. Park Chan-wook's short tackles the theme of human rights abuses towards foreign laborers in Korea, telling the sory of a Nepalese woman named Chandra who spent six years in a mental hospital after she was mistakenly accused of losing her mind.
Kim Heung-yeon
Basada en la novela 'Les amistades peligrosas', esta película se desarrolla en la Corea aristocrática del siglo 18, al final de la Dinastía Chosun. La seductora e irresistible Señora Cho le pide a su primo más joven, Jo-won, que desflore a la joven e inocente Soh-ok, que puede llegar a ser la concubina de su marido. Pero, pronto la atención de éste se desplazan hacia la elegante y distante Señora Sook, que vive de acuerdo con sus convicciones como católico. Jo-won se obsesiona con la seducción de la mujer casta que ha permanecido célibe durante nueve años desde la muerte de su marido. Sin embargo, la conquista de la mujer más virtuosa en la tierra resulta ser más difícil de lo conocido playboy de Chosun espera.