The film takes place when an accident occurs on a foggy bridge and, as a result, an unknown beast is unleashed.
A portrait of the South Korean screenwriter, director and producer Lee Chang-Dong through his work, this documentary provides a thematic analysis of his films, most of which have been selected for and received awards at the Cannes Film Festival.
Kang Ki-chun
A prosecutor is falsely accused of sexual assault in a suicide note from a woman that he is convinced was actually murdered. As he investigates her death to clear his name, he realizes that the truth lies in a huge financial scandal.
10 years from them to now, people who miss the late president Roh Moo-hyun tell their stories.
Jong Soo es un trabajador a tiempo parcial, un día se encuentra con Hae Mi mientras hace una entrega, ellos solían vivir en el mismo vecindario. Hae Mi le pide que cuide de su gato mientras ella está en un viaje a África. Cuando Hae Mi regresa, ella le presenta a Jong Soo a un hombre misterioso que conoció en África, Ben. Después de algunos días Ben y Hae Mi visitan a Jong Soo y le confiesan su pasatiempo secreto.
Jang Se-dong
En la Corea de 1987, bajo un régimen militar opresivo, un estudiante universitario muere durante un interrogatorio policial. El gobierno cubre su muerte y ordena su cremación. El abogado encargado de firmar su cremación se pregunta cómo un joven de 21 años puede morir de un infarto y empieza a investigar el caso.
Seúl, Corea del Sur, 1997. Cuando el joven pero extremadamente ansioso estudiante Jin-seok, sus padres y su exitoso hermano mayor Yoo-seok se mudan a un nuevo hogar, hechos misteriosos y aterradores comienzan a suceder a su alrededor, eventos inexplicables que amenazan con arruinar sus vidas aparentemente felices. Incapaz de entender lo que está pasando, Jin-seok se pregunta si está perdiendo la cabeza.
In 2002, the Millennium Democratic Party elects the first presidential candidate by introducing a popular election system. While politicians like Ki Ra-seong have joined the election, Roh Moo-hyun the very last candidate with only 2% approval, throws in his hat. This is the story of a nation and the nation he led.
Yun Young-hwan
In 1947, a magician, Seok-jin plans the most elaborate trick to find out hidden conspiracy in his fiance's death.
Tras mantener una aventura con un hombre casado, la actriz Younghee decide tomarse un tiempo. Para ello viaja a la ciudad extranjera de Hamburgo, pero eso no impedirá que siga pensando en lo que dejó atrás.
Jung Ji-yong
Based on a true story, renowned Korean poet, Yun Dong-ju, is detained and abused by the Japanese for participating in the Korean Independence Movement.
Lee Eui-myeong
En tiempos de la Corea medieval, una joven busca venganza por la traición y muerte de su madre. Debido a ello tendrá que enfrentarse a uno de los guerreros más poderosos de la dinastía Goryo.
Los intentos de un barco pesquero por transportar inmigrantes ilegales terminan en una catástrofe que llevará a la tripulación a la locura.
Chief Nam Kyeong-dae
Después de un accidente, Young-nam, joven agente de policía de Seúl, es enviada a un pueblito costero. Desde que llega, conoce a una adolescente poco expresiva que la intriga. En su nuevo entorno, Young-nam conoce al padrastro de Dohee, un hombre violento y alcohólico que explota a los trabajadores inmigrantes. Para proteger a Dohee del maltrato de su padrastro, Young-nam le da alojamiento. La joven descubre entonces las diferentes facetas de la personalidad de Dohee.
CEO Jeon
Una banda de delincuentes secuestra a un niño llamado Hwa Yi, y el líder lo toma como su propio hijo. Ahora, Hwa Yi tiene 17 años y se ha convertido en un asesino letal. Participando en un acto delictivo de la banda de "sus padres", conocerá la verdad sobre su pasado.
President Yoon
On September 4, 1984, democracy movement leader Kim Jong Tae (Park Won Sang) is arrested and taken to an infamous interrogation facility in Namyeong-dong. For the next 22 days, he would be cruelly and continuously tortured in all manners by interrogators intent on forcing him to confess to communist collaboration.
Una joven y su madre huyen a la ciudad costera de Mohang para escapar de sus deudas. La joven comienza a escribir un guión para un cortometraje con el fin de calmar sus nervios, este cortometraje tiene como protagonistas a tres mujeres llamadas Anne. Cada una de estas Anne que también acuden a la ciudad costera de Mohang, recibirán la ayuda de la dueña del pequeño motel donde se hospedan durante su estancia, así como la de un socorrista que vagabundea por la playa de la zona.
Shin Jae-yeol
Un hombre encarcelado injustamente apela para que le declaren inocente, a la vez que trata de exponer la injusticia imperante en un sistema judicial en el que los jueces hacen lo que quieren.
Professor Song
La película presenta un triángulo amoroso entre una estudiante de cine, un profesor y un antiguo compañero de clase. Los tres personajes aparecen en cuatro historias diferentes. Un triángulo amoroso a lo largo del tiempo, en el que cada nueva relación es como un eco de la anterior.
Mr. Moon
The Korean war does not start well for the US. They are being routed by the North Koreans and In July 1950, the early stage of the Korean War, at the Jugok Village in the middle of the Korean Peninsula, Chang-yee and his friends grow excited over the amateur singing contest knowing nothing about what is going on around them. At the time, the US Army keeps losing and are pushed back to the village, evacuating all villagers to head south. The villagers took refuge like going on a picnic believing that the US Army is protecting them, they just follow their orders moving south bound.
Jenhee (Kim Sae-ron, 'The Man from Nowhere'), una niña coreana de 9 años, es abandonada por su padre en un orfanato, sin ni siquiera despedirse de ella. Los primeros días Jenhee mantiene la esperanza de que su progenitor vaya a buscarla de nuevo, pero transcurrido el tiempo la pequeña se hace a la idea de que su estancia va a ser más larga de lo esperado, y que quizás ya nunca vuelva a ver a su padre. Aunque al principio no resulta fácil, la huérfana consigue integrarse con sus compañera, llegando incluso a hacer amigas. Desafortunadamente, algunas de estas amistades se esfumarán antes de haberse consolidado, ya que algunas de las chicas serán progresivamente adoptadas. El del abandono y la separación son sentimientos muy arraigados en la pequeña, que tendrá que lidiar con el miedo a tener que separarse de sus nuevos padres cuando sea adoptada.
Hong Sang-soo Perdido en las montañas representa el sufrimiento de Misook cuando descubre que su amigo Jin-Young ha sido en secreto durmiendo con su amante.
Vice Principal (Relay)
Includes shorts: Girl on the Run, The Theory & Practice of Teenage Dream, Relay, U and Me and Blue Birds on the Desk.
Hyeon-jeong's sister is missing and she fears for the worst. Via her sister's cellphone, Hyeon-jeong learns that her sister stayed in a countryside vaillage. She goes to the village to find her sister and stops at the local police station for help. Because of the little evidence she has, the police refuse to offer help.
Gu Yang-Won
Tae-soo tries to steal from a gang. The gang catches Tae-Soo's brother, Tae-Jin, instead. The incident causes the brothers to separate. Tae-Soo becomes a mob fixer and an assassin. Tae-Jin becomes a police detective. When a call brings the brothers together, they get ready for brotherly bonding, but Tae-Jin gets killed. Tae-Soo decides to get revenge on his brother's killer.
Five strangers, each with his own special talents, are recruited by the mysterious 'X'. They do not know why they are brought together, but nonetheless agree to a series of potentially lucrative schemes. A planned bank robbery goes awry when a minor mistake leads to a hostage situation. The robbery is orchestrated by Hwan. When Hwan turns up dead at the designated meeting spot, the remaining men realize something is seriously wrong, and suspicion flares.
CEO Jeong (voice)
Un director de cine está preparando su próxima película, pero es incapaz de terminar el guión. En busca de inspiración y tranquilidad, le ruega a un amigo que le acompañe en un viaje, pero éste ya ha hecho otros planes con su novia, una compositora de música. Finalmente cambia de idea y se lleva a su novia al viaje que le había propuesto su amigo. Los tres se dirigen a la playa de Shinduri en la costa oeste, una zona llena de cerezos en flor y paisaje brumoso.
Kwon Yong-hwan
Un plan de reunificación coreano se ve alterado por un complot de invasión japonés, que revela un secreto entre ambos países.
Oh Sung-ho
Una mujer es asesinada en unos grandes almacenes. Nadie se imagina que los asesinatos seguirán, pero dos días después aparece otra víctima. Una mujer es asfixiada y la única prueba en la escena del crimen es una pegatina con un personaje de dibujos animados, "Princess Aurora". Un veterano detective empieza a sospechar de una bella joven llamada Jung Sun jung pero no revela a nadie, ni siquiera a su compañero, que Jung es su ex mujer. Los asesinatos siguen y la pegatina de "Princess Aurora" se encuentra al lado de todos los cadáveres...
Han Yun-sik
Un editor cuarentón, un joven e inexperto colaborador y una atractiva fotógrafa que conmueve a ambos hombres son los vértices de este triángulo amoroso.
Divided into chapters, the documentary examines Jang's career and films from many different angles and includes the voices not only of those who have worked with Jang but also of numerous ordinary Koreans who have been affected by his work. Individual chapters are devoted to such topics as Jang's idiosyncratic hairstyle and the controversy surrounding his previous feature Lies. The documentary tries to place Jang and his work in the widest possible social context, not only in the context of Korean cinema. At its heart is a series of remarkably candid and revealing interviews with Jang himself.
Soo-jeung es una joven de veinticuatro años que trabaja como guionista en una televisión de cable local. Trabaja muy estrechamente con Young-soo, el productor del programa y cineasta independiente, para el que escribe y hace de asistente de vídeo. Con intención de pedirle dinero para su próximo proyecto cinematográfico, Young-soo le pide a Soo-jeong que le acompañe a la galería de un viejo y rico amigo, Jae-hoon.
A porn actress decides to stop working in that industry to devote herself to conventional cinema. In her first non-pornographic shooting she faces a situation she did not expect... a sexual scene. Part of the '2000 Jeonju Digital Project'.
Choo Hyung-Do
Lee Kyung-Ja's husband is constantly away from home, working hard for Il San, a major conglomerate. When he is fired, she becomes angry and sues the company, requesting alimony for her poor love life. After discovering the vicious nature of well-known lawyer Myung Sung-Ki (and after realizing that he represents Il San), seh decides instead to hire his wife, Lee Ki-Ja. In court, Lee Kyung-Ja's husband betrays her, revealing intimate details of their sex life. Humiliated, she decides to drop the case, until her lawyer reveals that she has similar problems in her own marriage. The two women open their hearts to each other and go back to face the court anew. As the lawsuit progresses, the dispute between accuser and the accused runs deeper. At last, they await the judge's decision...
Koo Yi-Do is one of the few people who has a sincere outlook on the world. He denounces the reality portrayed by films and works on a script for a "sincere" movie. Unfortunately, there are too many obstacles that keep him from finishing the job. His plan to shoot a film by peeping through a hole in a motel wall is deterred when he is arrested for circulating illegal videos.
Bae Tae-gon
Se centra en la vida de Makdong (Han Suk-kyu) un joven que, al término de su servicio militar, aspira a una vida mejor para su familia y para sí mismo, lo cual se torna en principio imposible, pues sus buenas intenciones no son suficientes para afrontar la vida en las calles controlada por mafia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mr. Jang
A young girl is caught up in the 1980 Gwangju massacre, where Korean soldiers killed hundreds, if not thousands, of protesters who opposed the country's takeover by the military the year before. Flashbacks show the girl seeing her mother shot to death in the massacre. The film spurred the Korean public to demand the truth behind the incident, and their government eventually opened previously classified files on the massacre.
La voz de un intelectual llamado Kim Yong-su rememora los oscuros años de la dictadura de Park Cheng-hee y el tiempo que pasó escribiendo un libro sobre la vida de un líder sindicalista que se autoinmoló en defensa de sus ideas en 1970.
Kim Kyoo-hwan
Sang-min faces sexual discrimination at her advertising job and her lover's publishing company goes bankrupt. However she is determined to find a solution to both their problems
A group of people whose lives suffer from stagnation, are working together in the same company and their lives are scutinized by those who see them. There is the development manager whose last new idea was five years earlier; a procrastinating office clerk with a crush on a co-worker that he is too shy to reveal; and a senior manager who believes his wife is having an affair causing him to take out his frustration on all his employees.
A failed writer given to plagiarism gets a buzz at the door from a bright young working girl with a highly original approach to life and sex and his life and work is totally thrown off balance.
A satirical allegory of contemporary South Korean politics, the film follows the exploits of two convicts who accidentally escape while being transferred to another prison. Before they can turn themselves back into custody, they meet a female outlaw. She persuades the pair of prisoners to rob a bank in Seoul. When their robbery turns into an embarrassing fiasco, the two decide to flee to the North Korean border.
Moon Dok-bae / Moon Chae-ku
Moon Chae-Ku and his friend Kim Chul try to bring the body of Moon's father back to his native Kwisong Island for burial. Their ferry is intercepted by resentful islanders who will not let the boat dock, because of the father's political activities in the 1950's, informing on Communist sympathizers. Kim Chul, through flashbacks, recalls people and events from his island childhood.
Between her and me .. always 101cm Koo Young-seop (Moon Seong-geun), the chief of the construction company, has seen the line 99 times, but he is a bachelor who is retired. However, Young-seop sees the cellist garden (Kim Hee-ae) and Zen for the 100th time, but knows that she is too undeserved of her, but makes every effort to open her heart. The garden, which could not escape the shadow of the dead fiance, begins to open his heart to sincere and pure love. However, a man named Joon-ki appears so much like a dead fiancé who Garden cannot forget.
Narrator (voice)
This film is a social comedy which depicts women's endeavor to get the right to live free from men's violence in a male dominated society. This Film begins with a newly married couple. They wed against the wishes of family and friends, who thought they weren't a good match. As their marriage progresses, the young couple realize that marriage is not what you see in movies or read in books. They find that love, sex and marriage are very different from what they had dreamed. They also understand why people disagreed with the marriage from the beginning.
R returns from studying in France and reunites with J, whom he used to live with in Paris.
A reporter investigates a case in which a Korean woman, who has been living in Europe since she was 3 years old, is accused of murdering her adopted father. This is complicated by the fact that she is suffering from traumatic memory loss.
Kim Ki-young
A social drama about a young student activist who hides from the authorities by working in a small mining town.