Antoine Théron


Elle & lui & le reste du monde
Executive Producer
Marie-Line et son juge
Production Director
Production Manager
January 13, 2018. 8h08. Hawaii is in a state of alert: ballistic missiles have just been launched in the direction of the island, there are only a few minutes left to find a shelter. Like every year, a group of friends has come to spend a week's vacation in the hotel of one of their friends, who has left to live in Hawaii. As they think they are living their last moments, years of unspoken words come back and degenerate into a settlement of accounts. Fortunately for them, it's a false alarm. Unfortunately, they still have eight days of vacation to spend together.
Production Manager
Nora and Leo, 16, live in the same town, in the same suburbs, go to the same highschool, but everything opposes them: their social backgrounds, their families religions, their everyday lives. Yet, they fall in love at first sight. But from a theft accusation bringing into conflict their respective families, their love story will have to face a series of trials and dramas.
Quisiera que alguien me esperara en algún lugar
Production Director
Aurore decide celebrar su 70º cumpleaños en su residencia de verano junto a sus 4 hijos. Uno de ellos tomará una decisión que cambiará sus vidas para siempre.
Las muñecas rusas
Unit Production Manager
Continuación de "Una casa de locos". Xavier ya es escritor, pero ni su vida profesional ni su vida sentimental marchan bien. Para salir adelante, se ve obligado a aceptar trabajos mediocres (telenovelas, series de televisión). Su caótica vida se complica aún más cuando tiene que cuidar al hijo de su ex-novia y a su abuelo materno. Además, corre el riesgo de perder su trabajo si no viaja a Londres y a San Petersburgo. Pero, paradójicamente, gracias a estos viajes conseguirá poner orden en su trabajo y en su vida amorosa.