Cyril Thomas


Sous le bio, la malbouffe
Camera Operator
Sales of organic products have increased tenfold in 20 years. In 2020, the market will have exceeded 13 billion euros in sales. The heavyweights of the food industry are surfing on this consumer craze for healthy food by offering more and more "green" products. But organic does not necessarily mean nutritionally balanced.
The State of Texas vs. Melissa
Director of Photography
Melissa Lucio was the first Hispanic woman sentenced to death in Texas. For ten years she has been awaiting her fate, and now faces her last appeal.
Todos vigilados: siete mil millones de sospechosos
Additional Photography
Con el pretexto de luchar contra el terrorismo o la delincuencia, las grandes potencias se han embarcado en una peligrosa carrera de tecnologías de vigilancia. Cámaras de reconocimiento facial, detectores de emociones, sistemas de calificación ciudadana, drones autónomos… Una obsesión por la seguridad que en algunos países está dando lugar a una nueva forma de régimen político: el totalitarismo numérico. La pesadilla de Orwell.
Dépenses Fantômes
On the dishonest practices made by corporations to extract more money from their customers.