Wolfgang Längsfeld


A Trick of the Light
A rare gem of cinematic storytelling that weaves docudrama, fictional reenactment, and experimental photography into a powerful, reflective work on the early days of German cinema. The film tells the story of the Skladanowsky Brothers, the German-born duo responsible for inventing the "bioskop", an early version of the film projector.
King Kong's Fist
Berlin Film Fest 1984. The best place for every cinema fan. Everyone wants to be in on the festival, but that may be really difficult, if one has no accreditation. Also Journalist Matthies gets to know the rules of being in or out when he wants to see a screening and is not welcome. Thus he watches an old German silent flick which he is barely interested in. The next day the newspapers are full of reports about a newly discovered German masterpiece from the silent era. It seems that Matthies had luck. He just saw *the* film everybody is talking about now. Also everybody is speculating about its director, who remains unknown. When Matthies talks to Ackrewa, an old befriended projectionist, about the film, the latter seems to recall the name of the director. Matthies decides to research the case. An odyssey into film-history begins and if it is successful Matthies will come up with a top story.
El principio del Arca de Noé
Año 1997. Una estación euroamericana consagrada a la investigación metereológica, con tan sólo dos tripulantes a bordo, está dando vueltas sobre la órbita terrestre. Max Marek, oficial científico, y Billy Hayes, oficial técnico, tienen el cometido de facilitar diagnósticos metereológicos con la máxima brevedad posible. No obstante, como los efectos de radiación resultan imprevisibles, científicos y políticos se ponen de acuerdo para suprimir la estación orbital metereológica. Marek parece conforme con esta decisión, ya que lleva tiempo temiendo los posibles efectos fatales de esta serie de ensayos en un espacio de ingravidez. Por su parte, Hayes se muestra disconforme ante esta decisión.... Debut en la realización de Roland Emmerich tras codirigir el cortometraje "Franzmann" en 1979. "1997: El principio del Arca de Noé" es un trabajo de estudiante que, dada su solidez y su gran acogida en Alemania, fue distribuida a nivel mundial.
...als Diesel geboren