Chief Larry Manly
When Alice Redmond is required to go deep undercover in an effort to trap number one suspect Darren Metlick, she gets very close to the edge. Her superiors push her past the point of no return because they need additional evidence to make their case air tight. Alice is having an affair with a fellow officer Don Holroyd and his sexual appetite closely resembles that of the hacker, so she has some experience in the dark side.
Emmanuelle, la mujer más sexy del mundo, sufre una racha de mala suerte que comienza cuando es despojada por una multitud de admiradores en un festival internacional de cine. La pésima suerte de Emmanuelle continúa cuando es secuestrada de su yate en el sur de Francia y obligada a someterse a los deseos eróticos de un jeque árabe.
Deacon Porter, un veterano de Vietnam, vuelve a Estados Unidos para vengar la muerte de un oficial al mando. Pronto forma un grupo de combate, y copiando los modos de guerra de los vietnamitas, arma una guerrilla en pleno estado de California.
Typ im Coffeshop
Berlin Film Fest 1984. The best place for every cinema fan. Everyone wants to be in on the festival, but that may be really difficult, if one has no accreditation. Also Journalist Matthies gets to know the rules of being in or out when he wants to see a screening and is not welcome. Thus he watches an old German silent flick which he is barely interested in. The next day the newspapers are full of reports about a newly discovered German masterpiece from the silent era. It seems that Matthies had luck. He just saw *the* film everybody is talking about now. Also everybody is speculating about its director, who remains unknown. When Matthies talks to Ackrewa, an old befriended projectionist, about the film, the latter seems to recall the name of the director. Matthies decides to research the case. An odyssey into film-history begins and if it is successful Matthies will come up with a top story.
En una remota estación espacial, el excéntrico Dr. Daniel y su tímido y torpe ayudante, Max, viven apaciblemente. Trabajan en el próximo proyecto del doctor: la construcción de un androide perfecto llamado Cassandra. Max es un androide, también. Tiene una apariencia casi humana y está fascinado con la Tierra. Un día, tres intrusos llegan a la estación. Son dos hombres y una mujer, que huyen de la ley. Max y el Dr. Daniel sienten interés por ella, aunque de forma muy distinta.