Lise Fearnley

Lise Fearnley


Lise Fearnley


Frydenlund Hair Parlour
When 17-year-old Anna Lorentz returns to Narvik in 1940 with her older sisters and brother, they find their town destroyed. They recover the family home, and survive the years that follow by running a hair salon. All this time, Anna nurtures her own dream.
Zolle Resign
Short animated film by Kristian Pedersen
La estrella de los simios
Jonna ha vivido en el orfanato toda su vida. Un día llega una gorila y la adopta. A Jonna le lleva algo de tiempo acostumbrarse a su nueva madre, pero, cuando las cosas empezaban a ir bien, las autoridades locales amenazan su existencia.
Romance doesn’t get much more perverse or deranged than the gory mayhem that transpires throughout this absurdist mixed media animation as it unravels a riotous tale of courtly love and meat grinders.
The World's Middlest Fish
A young girl becomes instantly famous after she catches the most average-sized fish in the world.
Tindra's Light
Tindra is the lighthouse keeper’s daughter. One night, while her father is out fishing, the lighthouse goes out and a boat is heading straight towards the reef. Tindra tries to fix the lighthouse, but instead she sets it on fire.
The Marathon Diary
A marathonrace takes place in Lappland during the cold beutiful winter.
Deconstruction Workers
Two construction workers have a serious conversation about life.
El poeta danés
Narra la travesía que hace Kasper, un poeta cuya creatividad se ha acabado, hacia Noruega, con el fin de conocer a Sigrid Undset, una escritora famosa.
El poeta danés
Narra la travesía que hace Kasper, un poeta cuya creatividad se ha acabado, hacia Noruega, con el fin de conocer a Sigrid Undset, una escritora famosa.
El poeta danés
Executive Producer
Narra la travesía que hace Kasper, un poeta cuya creatividad se ha acabado, hacia Noruega, con el fin de conocer a Sigrid Undset, una escritora famosa.
The Professor and the Story of the Origami Girl
A director feels he is about to lose himself to the market forces and thinks that the only way he can protest is by making a political film. He contacts Thomas Hylland Eriksen, who will become his mouthpiece and articulate what is wrong. But along the way the director becomes distracted by another person, a young, fumbling girl reminiscent of himself.
The Professor and the Story of the Origami Girl
Executive Producer
A director feels he is about to lose himself to the market forces and thinks that the only way he can protest is by making a political film. He contacts Thomas Hylland Eriksen, who will become his mouthpiece and articulate what is wrong. But along the way the director becomes distracted by another person, a young, fumbling girl reminiscent of himself.
A meteor shower occurs when Earth collides with particles and small stones from space. The dust grains in the Leonid meteor shower burn up as they enter the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of 250,000 kilometers per hour. This is what we call shooting stars. Every 33 years, there is a chance that a meteor shower will cause at least 1,000 star shots per hour.
Two rabbits playing. One is running. The other falls.
Toothbrushing is not always easy.
Toothbrushing is not always easy.
Toothbrushing is not always easy.
Toothbrushing is not always easy.