Arjuna Neuman


Syncopated Green
Syncopated Green reflects on the history of outdoor free parties in the English Countryside, using rave music, past and present, to help forget the ‘official’ portrayal of England as picturesque, nostalgic, white, and rural. The film invites rave music into the English landscape – turning imperial history inside out. Somewhere between a music video, a memoir and an essay, the film asks, how might our future be different if we had other histories to lean on – and dance with?
4 Waters- Deep Implicancy
4 Waters: Deep Implicancy is an experiment in collaboration that traces the striking possibility of a state without value. The artists’ research crosses four bodies of water — the Mediterranean sea; and the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans — to connect four disparate islands: Lesvos, Haiti, Marshall Islands and Tiwi. Each island holds within it stories of tremendous violence, but also the potential for otherwise. The film assembles fragments that touch on a kind of knowledge embedded in a moment preceding human history or geological timescales — a moment of total entanglement described by the artists as Deep Implicancy. In excavating the link between geological shifts and material realities, they ask: can an earthquake release the knowledge for a revolution in the very way we know the world?