Joppo in de Grot


Lying on the bunk bed in the children’s home, eleven-year-old Lu talks dreamy-eyed about her mother. Karina, she says, is a famous Hollywood actor who smells of oranges, talks to the stars and does her own stunts. One more sleep, then she finally comes to visit. But instead of an orderly meeting in the Dutch hometown, Lu unexpectedly finds herself in a rusty old Chevrolet – with cowboy boots and wigs in tow. The destination: Poland, where Lu’s grandmother is said to have hidden a lot of money. With this, mother and daughter aka Bonnie and Clyde plan on finally staying together forever. On their Hollywood-like road trip towards the east, always a car length ahead of reality, they attempt to get closer to their dream.
Donnie Mountain
Pornstar Donnie Mountain is on top of his game and no one can stop him on his way to his international breakthrough, when one day, he suffers from erectile dysfunction. No longer able to perform, his life starts to slowly fall apart.
Sam starts working at Spoetnik, a clandestine chips stand named after its specialty. Right across the street is a brothel with an alluring girl who evidently needs Sam’s help.
Las maletas de Tulse Luper 3. De Sark hasta el final
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Tercera entrega de las aventuras del artista Tulse Luper, que sigue huyendo a través de Europa para salvar la vida. Barcelona, Turín o Roma serán ciudades en las que vivirá experiencias inolvidables y se encontrará con variopintos personajes.
Las maletas de Tulse Luper 2. De Vaux al mar
Las aventuras de Tulse Luper continúan desde Amberes. Comienza la Segunda Guerra Mundial y Tulse Luper es un prisionero que recorre el norte de Europa. Se convierte en espía en la mansión en Vaux (Francia) que se ha convertido en una clínica Aria. En Estrasburgo, es obligado a ser acomodador en el cine Arc-en-Ciel y le obligarán a vestirse de mujer para hacerse pasar por una costurera en la residencia burguesa de una anatomista obsesiva y fanática de Ingres en la localidad de Dinard, en la costa francesa.