Antonio Di Matteo


Años luz
Mateo (32), Belén (29) y María José (35) son tres hermanos que estando distanciados se reencuentran para concretar la venta de la casa donde vivieron su niñez y adolescencia. Con este objetivo emprenden viaje hacia su pueblo natal, pero la carretera les pondrá obstáculos y señales que los llevarán a encontrarse con sus propios conflictos y resolver sus problemas familiares. Enfrentados a lo que aún no fue enterrado surge el destino inesperado: la verdad. Años Luz retrata los problemas de una familia no tan quebrada como parecía, que aún tiene mucho amor para dar.
Don Giovanni - Opera di Roma
A philandering nobleman lives without a care for the consequences of his actions. But when one of his conquests ends in murder, he finds himself on the run, pursued by disgruntled ex-lovers, fiancées and a force from beyond the grave. Following his recent spectacular production of Paria, the renowned British director Graham Vick makes a welcome return to OperaVision with this new Don Giovanni from Rome. Italian baritone Alessio Arduini plays the dishonourable Don alongside Georgian soprano and Moniuszko International Vocal Competition winner Salome Jicia as Donna Elvira. This performance is part of OperaVision’s events celebrating the inaugural World Opera Day on 25 October 2019.
Verdi: Simon Boccanegra (Salzburg Festival)
Power struggles among rival families in 14th-century Genoa, a story of tragic love, a young girl gone missing… Verdi’s Simon Boccanegra combines the perfect ingredients for gripping dramatic opera with a strong political message. On the stage of the Salzburg Festival, this sharp critique of power set to music is brought to life by the voices of Luca Salsi, Marina Rebeka, René Pape, Charles Castronovo, and others, who join the exceptional Valery Gergiev for a captivating performance.