Tin Soheili


"Anna!" is the story of a young woman in the process of learning to stand up for herself by putting her own needs and desires first. Slowly she begins to understand the necessity in being able to say no to others to say yes to herself.
Made in Bangladesh
Original Music Composer
Shimu tiene 23 años. Dejó su ciudad cuando era niña y ahora vive en Dhaka. Trabaja en la industria textil en condiciones muy duras y con un sueldo muy precario, de manera que decide unirse a sus compañeras de trabajo para reivindicar mejores condiciones laborales. A pesar de las amenazas de sus superiores para el cese de las presiones que ejercen ella y las demás mujeres, y la desaprobación de su marido, decide seguir en la lucha desafiando la adversidad segura de conseguir lo que persigue.
After surviving a suicide bomb attack, 12-year-old Roqaia finds herself in the middle of a media frenzy, as she deals with her trauma all by herself.
A mini-bus is on a journey across the mountains to Kabul. Each person on the bus has a reason to take this journey. An old man is traveling to give a turkey to his grandchild, as his last wish before dying. However, the main road is blocked by insurgents. They decide to use an alternative road, which is not very secure, and there is still the possibility of getting caught by insurgents.