Maria Drandaki


Neurologist Katerina and former doctor Yannis are heading off to a deserted seaside resort. Silence descends on the car as they travel across dunes in a windy autumn, matching the less-than-pleasant occasion: Yannis has been called to identify the victim of a tragic accident at the hospital of the small town. When the local policeman informs them that the victim’s vehicle had plunged over the parapet of a stone bridge and leads them to the morgue, Katerina sees her worst suspicions confirmed. Together with Yannis, but also on her own nightly excursions to a mysterious, rustic beach bar called Arcadia, they begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together, revealing a haunting story of love, loss, acceptance and letting go.
Under the hot Greek sun, animators at an all-inclusive island resort prepare for the busy tourist season. Kalia is the group leader. Paper decorations, glossy costumes and dance shows fill the stage. As summer intensifies and the work pressure builds up, their nights become violent and Kalia's struggle is revealed in the darkness. But when the spotlights turn on again, the show must go on.
Silence 6–9
Aris and Anna meet one evening in a half-abandoned town surrounded by antennas. In this strange, dreamlike world, the two solitary souls gradually start to develop feelings for one another.
A young woman finds herself struggling to maintain her mental health and grounded family life on a rural Dutch island when her capricious, city-dwelling thespian mother falls incurably ill and expects her increasingly regular company and assistance.
Old West
Argyris is an elderly man in the first stage of dementia. When his symptoms worsen, he decides with his daughter, Sophie, to enter a nursing home. The last days of his freedom, Argyris wanders around the city, meeting old friends while having a secret plan. He wants to get a revolver.
El milagro del mar de los Sargazos
En una pequeña ciudad de Grecia, dos mujeres viven solas mientras sueñan con salir de allí. Elisabeth es una policía ambiciosa y obligada a mudarse de Atenas diez años atrás y ahora vive una vida sin alegría; Rita es la tranquila y misteriosa hermana de una cantante de la discoteca local. Cuando una muerte repentina trastorna la ciudad y da un vuelco a la comunidad local, las dos mujeres que habían estado ignorando la existencia de la otra se ven obligadas a conocerse. A medida que los secretos ocultos en los pantanos comienzan a emerger, ellas tendrán la oportunidad de convertirse en sus propias salvadoras.
Electric Swan
Production Assistant
Buildings are not supposed to move. But on Avenida Libertador 2050, a building moves and the ceiling shivers, causing a strange nausea that devours its residents. Those who live on the top are afraid they’ll fall, the ones who live beneath are afraid they’ll drown.
Su trabajo
Panayiota es una mujer de treinta y siete años que vive una vida modesta junto a su marido, su hija rebelde y su hijo. Sacrificada y servil, vive atrapada en un ambiente doméstico que no le permite tener independencia alguna o poder disfrutar de su tiempo libre. Un día acepta un trabajo como limpiadora en una centro comercial, algo que cambia por completo su vida. Aunque al principio apenas habla con otros empleados, pronto se convierte en una empleada ejemplar, logra su propia independencia económica y expande su vida social más allá de su apartamento. Incluso su familia ve esta nueva situación desde el respeto. Sin embargo, las cosas pronto comienzan a cambiar cuando una serie de acontecimientos en el trabajo ponen en riesgo su nueva circunstancia vital.
The leopard shall lie down with the goat. The wolves shall live with the lambs. And the young boy will lead them. 12+1 kids and the carcass of a whale washed ashore…
A post-modern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their seats and the play begins. Suddenly, the lights on stage go out. A group of young people, dressed in black and carrying guns, come up on stage. They apologize for the interruption and invite people from the audience to participate on stage. The play resumes with a main difference; life imitates art and not the opposite.
Associate Producer
Eleni asks for a fig on her deathbed. Her husband Kostas goes to the nearest fig tree to get one. Time is running out and Kostas is old. With a fig in his hand, he struggles through a rugged natural landscape to get home in time and fulfil his wife's last wish.