Chiki Fawzi


Wave of Cinema: Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini
Delve into a musical concert and relive moments from "One Day We'll Talk About Today," a film about family and intergenerational trauma.
Wave of Cinema: Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini
Delve into a musical concert and relive moments from "One Day We'll Talk About Today," a film about family and intergenerational trauma.
99 Names of Love
As an infotainment producer deals with a work crisis, a childhood friend, who's now a cleric, arrives to honor a religious request from her late father.
Duka Sedalam Cinta
When Gagah had an accident near North Maluku he was saved by religious scholar, Kyai Ghufron. While recovering he learn a lot about Islam.