Raylene Harewood

Raylene Harewood


Raylene Harewood


The Secret Lives of College Freshmen
Un estudiante de primer año de la universidad se muda al dormitorio perfecto en el campus, pero pronto descubre que el residente anterior murió en circunstancias misteriosas. Creyendo que la niña fue asesinada, intenta descubrir la identidad del asesino antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
Wedding Cake Dreams
At 12 years old, Carrie Watson places a piece of wedding cake under her pillow when her mother tells her about the superstition that doing so will ensure you dream of your future true love -- and that night, Carrie dreams of a handsome man meeting her at the altar. Fast forward a couple decades, and Carrie, now a successful chemist (and amateur baker), is prepping the wedding cakes for her little sister, Lydia's wedding. Carrie is shocked to discover that the groom's best man, Jason, is the very same man from her wedding cake dream.
The Deliberate Death of My Father
Zoey enters a hair salon to dye her hair for the first time. As she questions her decision she replays her recent graduation dinner where an explosive fight becomes a chance to settle an old score. Will changing her hair be a final defiance or the first act of something more meaningful?
A Picture Perfect Wedding
Wedding photographer Lindsey gets her big opportunity when a New York mogul’s son, Josh, asks her to shoot his sister’s wedding. Sparks fly as Josh and Lindsey prepare for ceremony, and the pair begin to fall for each other. But as the big day arrives and the project finishes, do they go back their old, separate lives or will they follow their hearts?
A Romance Wedding
Zoe Davis is a successful and highly driven wedding planner in the big city. When her father asks her for help at the family café shop, she happily drives back to her cozy hometown of Romance, Oregon. Little does she know her mom has already hired Will to help, an aspiring chef and coincidentally…Zoe’s childhood sweetheart! Tensions rise between Zoe and Will, but so does the chemistry. Will they settle their differences and find lost love along the way?
Cross Country Christmas
Una tormenta de nieve interrumpe los planes de Lina y Max en Navidad, ahora deberán trabajar juntos y en armonía para encontrar el camino a casa.
All Joking Aside
Charlene Murray
Una joven de la ciudad de Nueva York persigue su sueño de convertirse en una comediante.
Arándanos en Navidad
Una pareja separada finge su felicidad conyugal en la televisión nacional para ayudar al festival de Navidad de su ciudad y a su negocio. Pero ¿qué les deparará el futuro cuando el amor reavivado se complique con nuevas oportunidades?
Las desapariciones de Apple Springs
Cassie Temple acepta un trabajo como niñera antes de su último año de universidad. Sin embargo, empieza a sospechar de su empleador cuando escucha un complot de asesinato por el monitor de bebés.
El ocupante
Ice Cream Girl
Un joven matrimonio compra una preciosa casa con varios acres de terreno en Napa Valley y descubren que el hombre al que se la compraron se niega a abandonar la propiedad.