Marcello Ferrara

Marcello Ferrara


Marcello Ferrara is a graduate of McGill University in Literature and Urban Geography. He has a strong interest in community development and the use of new media to advance community development objectives. He is a published poet and writer and has worked as a communications specialist for the international design organization IFI, the International Federation of Interior Designers. He is the principal of And Others, a community development and production company and has worked with refugees in Greece, using participatory video practices to tell their stories as part of the community development process.


Marcello Ferrara


This is Ballet: Dancing Anne of Green Gables
Enfrentando desafíos financieros y riesgos constantes de lesiones, una innovadora compañía de ballet se esfuerza por llevar la icónica historia canadiense de Anne of Green Gables a audiencias nuevas y diversas.
This is Ballet: Dancing Anne of Green Gables
Enfrentando desafíos financieros y riesgos constantes de lesiones, una innovadora compañía de ballet se esfuerza por llevar la icónica historia canadiense de Anne of Green Gables a audiencias nuevas y diversas.
Living in a Global Village
A group of visionaries and students return to the abandoned Milan Expo, to reimagine the site as a global village.
Living in a Global Village
A group of visionaries and students return to the abandoned Milan Expo, to reimagine the site as a global village.
Living in a Global Village
A group of visionaries and students return to the abandoned Milan Expo, to reimagine the site as a global village.
Future Ways of Living
At the World Expo in Milan, a group of global thought leaders, designers and students come together to collaboratively critique and re-design our societal systems, painting a vision of the future that brings Marshall McLuhan's global village one step closer to being realized.
Future Ways of Living
At the World Expo in Milan, a group of global thought leaders, designers and students come together to collaboratively critique and re-design our societal systems, painting a vision of the future that brings Marshall McLuhan's global village one step closer to being realized.
Future Ways of Living
At the World Expo in Milan, a group of global thought leaders, designers and students come together to collaboratively critique and re-design our societal systems, painting a vision of the future that brings Marshall McLuhan's global village one step closer to being realized.