Sarah Lynch


Vengeance Is Mine
Original Music Composer
Harry is a broken man, struggling to come to terms with the murder of his wife and daughter 5 years previously. When he discovers the whereabouts of the killers he awakens from his grief and, like an avenging angel, resolves to never stop until they are all dead.
Tina Times Two
All Tina wants is a friend she can perform her dance routines with. And magically one day, a friend appears – an exact double of Tina!
Un último favor
Una fatídica casualidad en un vuelo de Nueva York a Irlanda tiene consecuencias para Daniel Murphy. Lo dejan a cargo del cadáver de alguien que nunca conoció. Ahora tendrá que cruzar Irlanda en coche para llegar a un funeral, con su hermano autista Louis y MAry, una joven con sus propios planes. Un viaje en el que toso puede suceder.