Italian-japanese drama
Directed by the Oscar-winning screenwriter Ennio De Concini, Daniele e Maria (1973) is the tale of a forbidden romance between a rich and reclusive boy and the poor girl whose kindness opens up his formerly sheltered life. As the familiar setup from Romeo and Juliet suggests, the romance can only have a tragic ending as Maria is whisked away from her love and is forced into a loveless marriage organized by the rich family sheltering Daniele…
After a year in Europe, the young Samantha, daughter of a prominent American politician returns home. She is convinced that she was sent home because she was romantically linked to Nat Brook, a black revolutionary. After one of his numerous protests against violence, Nat feels he is being followed by two men sent by her father . But in the duel that follows the young revolutionary knocks out the two stalkers . Then he breaks it off with Samantha because, beyond the his feelings for her, she is starting to feel like a burden to his protesting activities.
El abogado Federico Fendi tiene razones bien fundadas para creer que Carla, su bella esposa, trabaja secretamente en Roma, haciendo de prostituta de lujo.
Afdera - Paola's daughter
Paola, still young and married to a rich industrialist, seeks an outlet to the uselessness of her life by coming into contact with the young activists of the student movement, meetings she attends. Paula tries to convert even her teenage children Afdera and Prando, to the ideas of the movement, who end up accepting the mother's convictions and agree to participate in an action of sabotage against a large factory. But when they discover that the factory to be sabotaged is precisely that of the father, they renounce the mission, disappointing the mother.
Un hombre es testigo involuntario de una conversación telefónica entre dos mujeres lesbianas. Movido por la curiosidad, decide conocer a una de las chicas y convertirse en su amante. Los problemas surgen cuando la otra, llevada por los celos, intenta poner fin a esa relación.
Un prestigioso pintor italiano, que está pasando una mala racha, decide alejarse del mundanal ruido e ir a pasar unos dias en una encantadora y apacible casa de campo veneciana. Sin embargo, la esperada tranquilidad se convierte en un laberinto de misterio y horror.
En su regreso de la Guerra Civil, el fantasma de su padre visita a Johnny mientras duerme, y le dice que lo asesinaron y le pide que lo vengue. De vuelta en el rancho familiar, Johnny descubre que no solo su padre ha sido asesinado sino que Gertrude, su madre, se ha casado con el hermano de su difunto esposo, Claude. Este último es ahora el dueño del rancho y de todas las propiedades del difunto. Polonio, un bandido despiadado, se supone que mató al padre de Johnny. ¿Pero no podría ser Claude ...?