Alicia Hava

Alicia Hava

Nacimiento : 1991-11-28, France


Alicia Hava
Alicia Hava
Alicia Hava
Alicia Hava
Alicia Hava


Les Complices
Max, a ruthless fifty-year-old hitman, discovers he has a problem: he now faints at the drop of blood. With his future in the profession in jeopardy, he's going to have to retrain... But not so simple when his only professional skill is to kill people... They are helped by a couple of young neighbors, Karim and Stéphanie, who do not imagine for a moment who they are dealing with... Max becomes attached, in spite of himself, to the young couple, until his past catches up with him.
For My Country
Aissa, a young officer of Algerian origin, tragically loses his life during a fresher initiation ritual at the prestigious French military academy of Saint-Cyr. As the death tears through his family, controversy arises over Aissa’s funeral plans when the Army refuses to take responsibility. Ismael, his older, rebellious brother, tries to keep the family united as they fight to win justice for Aissa.
El pequeño Nicolás
Rufus (voice)
Inclinados sobre un gran folio en blanco en algún lugar entre Montmartre y Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Jean-Jacques Sempé y René Goscinny dan vida a "El pequeño Nicolás", un niño risueño y travieso. La suya es una infancia alegre, llena de juegos, diversión, bromas, aprendizaje, complicidad, peleas y castigos. Las aventuras de Nicolás le llevan al estudio de sus creadores, donde habla con ellos de forma distendida. Sempé y Goscinny le cuentan cómo se conocieron y se hicieron amigos, y también responden a preguntas sobre su carrera, su infancia y sus ambiciones.
Loin de chez moi
19-year-old Morgane puts her studies on hold and moves to Amsterdam to work as an Au Pair for a French family. Eager to stretch her wings and experience new things, the young girl throws herself into her new job taking care of two young children. But Morgane's parents are worried about their daughter's delicate health and the unforthcoming nature of her beguiling employers. The young girl is rattled by the uneasiness that reigns over the eerie house where the family lives, and soon discovers that their last Au Pair disappeared in strange circumstances. All alone in a foreign land and unable to speak the language, Morgane finds herself sinking into a trap. She'll have to fit together all the pieces of the puzzle fast, to save her own skin.
Les sandales blanches
It all begins in the early 60s, in a slum just outside Paris inhabited by Algerian immigrants. Malika is 5, and her mum has just bought her a brand-new pair of sandals. They're so white that the little girl can't keep her eyes off them, and doesn't see the reversing truck. Then begin years of hospital, operations, suffering and struggle. Years far from her family, during which the little Muslim girl, in the hands of Catholic nurses and nuns, discovers music and singing at mass. From that point on, fighting the racism of French society as well as the enduring prejudices of her own community, Malika follows her dream and moves mountains to become the woman everyone will one day call "the diva of the ghetto".
Fille burger
En un mundo donde la tecnología digital ha invadido nuestras vidas, algunos de nosotros terminamos agrietados. Adicto o tecnófobo, con la familia o en la escuela, en el trabajo o en el amor, Smiley cuenta los destinos cómicos y salvajes del Homo Numericus al borde de una crisis nerviosa.
La aparición
Jacques Mayano, un periodista francés que ha vivido una experiencia traumática, es reclutado por el Vaticano para formar parte de un grupo de trabajo que debe investigar la veracidad de una aparición sobrenatural supuestamente ocurrida en un pequeño pueblo francés.
Muerte en el alma
Marc Lagnier se confiesa como el autor material del asesinato de su adorado hijo. Se auto inculpa, pero no explica sus razones. Tristan Delmas, un ambicioso joven abogado, se encargará de defender a Marc, en contra de la voluntad de éste. Buscando la verdad, Tristan investiga a la familia Lagnier, desvelando oscuros secretos.
The French Trilogy
The French Trilogy showcases a series of 62 photographs taken by Philippe Terrier-Hermann with 25 actors in 6 French regions echoing his previous project, The American Tetralogy. Questioning the relationship between cinema, landscapes and representations, this project features a song by Edward Barrow and was visible in public space in France during the summer of 2013, through a distribution system borrowing from advertising strategies.