

Un mundo complicado
Rajan's Funeral Mourner
El líder criminal británico Peter Sprott quiere hacer caer a un rival, y el mejor hombre para este trabajo es Suruli, un mafioso tamil oriundo de Madurai, India. Pero cuando Suruli llega a Londres, siente que lo invaden dilemas relacionados con el hogar, el país y la pertenencia, conflictos que un criminal despreocupado como él jamás había tenido que enfrentar.
Market Shopper
3 men, considered as losers in their lives by the people, plan to get rich along with their girlfriends by fooling 2 gangsters and robbing their money.
Namaste England
Posh Party Guest
Param and Jasmeet fall in love and they get married. Their perfect romance gets disturbed by Jasmeet’s suppressed ambition however, she has dreams of going to London so that she can pursue her career and build a better life for herself. But Param unable to get a visa and that creates some high drama in their love life.