Una mujer con una hija de ocho años vive con su padre, que padece una enfermedad neurodegenerativa. Mientras lucha por conseguir un hogar de ancianos decente, se encuentra con un amigo con el que inicia una aventura... aunque éste se encuentre en una relación
Self (archive footage)
If Jean Rochefort remains so dear to our hearts, it is because this extraordinary actor alone embodies a cinema and a France imbued with freedom and carelessness. Through his films, archives and the testimony of those close to him, we discover a complex man, a sad clown saved by his taste for words and for fun.
Lisa y Simon son inseparables desde que se conocieron siendo adolescentes. Pero todo cambia a causa de las actividades criminales de Simon, que le obligan a huir sin Lisa al ver su vida amenazada. Ella espera recibir noticias suyas en vano durante algún tiempo. Tres años más tarde, sus caminos vuelven a cruzarse en una isla del océano índico, pero sus circunstancias han cambiado.
Lisa y Simon son inseparables desde que se conocieron siendo adolescentes. Pero todo cambia a causa de las actividades criminales de Simon, que le obligan a huir sin Lisa al ver su vida amenazada. Ella espera recibir noticias suyas en vano durante algún tiempo. Tres años más tarde, sus caminos vuelven a cruzarse en una isla del océano índico, pero sus circunstancias han cambiado.
Un día, Jean-Louis descubre que su corazón se ha detenido. No está muerto, puede caminar y hablar, pero su corazón ya no late. Con la ayuda de su esposa y un amigo, intenta comprender el origen de este misterio.
Dr. Catherine Bormans
Claire, una profesora divorciada en la cincuentena, se crea un perfil falso de Facebook de una chica de 24 años. Encuentra una foto de una chica guapa en internet y dice que es ella. Al principio lo hizo para espiar a su amante ocasional Jo, pero una día en la red social pide amistad al mejor amigo de Jo, Chris, y éste acepta. Los dos empiezan a intercambiar mensajes y su amistad virtual evoluciona en una falsa historia de amor. Claire se enamora de Chris, y él está enamorado de ese perfil falso. Pero ahora Chris quiere quedar con esa belleza de 24 años con la que ha estado chateando. Ella alude a su gran carga de trabajo, sus viajes profesional e incluso a un ex con problemas de celos. Cuanto más enamorados están más insostenible se vuelve la relación. Claire se debate entre la imposibilidad de este amor y el dolor de tener que admitir la verdad y perderlo todo.
Lucie is in remission and her illness is almost a distant memory. Her family pushes her to live life to the fullest, and in doing so Lucie meets the charming and arrogant Clovis, who is immediately beguiled by her wit and humor. It is Dalila, however, an eccentric and delightful dance teacher, who inspires Lucie to rebuild her life and to grow into the woman she always wanted to be. For her mother, for her daughter, for Clovis.
La mère de Florence
Han pasado dos años. Después de haber fracasado en su separación, los Leroy parece que han conseguido divorciarse de un modo pacífico. Sin embargo, la aparición de dos nuevos amores en la vida de Vincent y Florence hace estallar esta vida apacible. Las víctimas de esta guerra entre los padres y las madres son los niños Leroy que se verán obligados a intervenir para poner fin a este círculo vicioso.
Adaptación de la novela "Mal de Pierres". Sigue los pasos durante 20 años de una sofisticada mujer, que tras contraer matrimonio con un hombre después de la II Guerra Mundial, se enamora de un enfermo que conoce en un balneario al que acude para tratar las piedras que tiene en su riñón.
Adaptación de la novela "Mal de Pierres". Sigue los pasos durante 20 años de una sofisticada mujer, que tras contraer matrimonio con un hombre después de la II Guerra Mundial, se enamora de un enfermo que conoce en un balneario al que acude para tratar las piedras que tiene en su riñón.
Suzanne Varenne
Jerome Varenne (Mathieu Amalric) es un financiero francés que vive en Shanghái con su compañera sentimental y profesional Chen-Li (Gemma Chan). En un breve viaje de negocios a París, se entera por su madre y su hermano de que la casa de su infancia se va a vender. Para impedirlo y saber de primera mano qué es lo que realmente está ocurriendo decide ir al pueblo. Lo que no sabe es que ese viaje cambiará para siempre el curso de su vida.
Joséphine de Kersaint-Gilly
En Bretaña, un notable recibe dos disparos en la cabeza. Su esposa Josephine es sospechosa. Su esposo acababa de vender parte de su propiedad a dos promotores.
Thérèse Desqueyroux
Twenty years have passed. Thérèse lives alone in Paris. We exiled her there. She seems to be asking nothing more for life. She is sick and lives in slow motion. One day, we ring rue du Bac. It is Mary, her daughter, whom she sees so little. She is twenty years old now and comes to see her to escape her middle-class south-west. She is very in love with a boy, she expects from her mother a support, a freedom of point of view. His name is Murad. The arrival of her daughter awakens Therese with her reserve and torpor. It does not shock Mary, who is very busy with her love. Thérèse proposes to meet Mourad. She quickly understands that he is not willing to marry Mary but wants her without wanting to bond more deeply to her. It is she Therese, that the young man looks ... She wanted to help her daughter to be happy, a wish too official not to be suspicious. Here she is delivered to the power of her own seduction ...
Is there such a thing as strictly feminine cinema? Is it more difficult for a woman than for a man to direct a film? Is gender parity necessary in the industry? Actress and producer Julie GAYET and actor and director Mathieu BUSSON ask these questions to twenty French woman filmmakers, who face a camera together for the first time. After over an hour of lively, informal, spontaneous and funny interviews, it becomes obvious that these issues are still problematic and definitely worthy of a documentary. As Mia HANSEN-LØVE remarks, “In the eyes of the people, a woman’s film is always a woman’s film, while a man’s movie is simply… a movie”.
Baptiste es un profesor solitario que da clases en el sur de Francia. Durante Pentecostés, Baptiste se ve obligado a lidiar con un alumno olvidado por un padre negligente que se equivocó de fin de semana. Sandra, una hermosa mujer curtida en el ámbito del romance, trabaja en una playa cerca de Montpellier. En su deseo por redimir su intermitencia como madre, Sandra acoge al niño y a Baptiste en un bungaló cerca de la playa.
Baptiste es un profesor solitario que da clases en el sur de Francia. Durante Pentecostés, Baptiste se ve obligado a lidiar con un alumno olvidado por un padre negligente que se equivocó de fin de semana. Sandra, una hermosa mujer curtida en el ámbito del romance, trabaja en una playa cerca de Montpellier. En su deseo por redimir su intermitencia como madre, Sandra acoge al niño y a Baptiste en un bungaló cerca de la playa.
Paris, North Station, anything comes by, even trains. One would like to stay, but they have to hurry up... Like other thousands lives crossing, Ismael, Mathilde, Sacha and Joan are going to meet here...
"Everything will be fine" the doctor promised Jo while she was giving birth to her first child. But, some forty years and four sons later, nothing is happening like it should be during this month of August: as she arrives on Greek soil to organize her traditional festival with her tribe, Jo learns that the latter has been cancelled, courtesy of the economic crisis. The hour seems to be tragic but the maternal instinct grows stronger, she is ready to do everything for the happiness of her sons. Between squabbles and blood and destiny blows, this summer will be like no other.
Sylvie Loriot
In the harbor city of Le Havre, France, a woman is stabbed during the night, just below the windows of her neighborhood. Pierre (Yvan Attal) has witnessed the murder, and heard the wails of the women crying for help. So have the neighbors, certainly. But at the end, nobody called the police. Nevertheless, sorrows are too heavy for Pierre, which feel the needs to tell everything to his wife (Sophie Quinton), and to the police. During the investigation, it appears that 38 people witnessed the murdering, and none reacted...
The Melancholic Woman
Entirely made in California, the film brings together 30 American and European actors in an epic which crosses the mythical territories of that cinematic land from Zabriskie Point to Mulholland Drive. California is revisited through the movie memories incarnated by the very presence of famous actors and actresses. "The American Tetralogy" is a way of staging reality which questions the fictional nature of the movies.
La Mère
Arnaud nicknamed "Cui Cui" no longer knows which way to look. He is about to marry Anna but he is not sure he really loves her. To make matters worse, he falls in love during the stag party he has with his friends. And Léa, a nightclub singer, is obviously the woman of his dreams. What to do? Cancel the wedding and create a scandal but be able to live with a woman he loves truly and loves him in return? Or be a good boy and not disappoint the company but say farewell to happiness. For four days, Arnaud goes to and fro aimlessly between Anna and Léa, between his eccentric sister and his self-centered mother, between hope and depression.
Self (archive footage)
Documental sobre la filmografía de Claude Lelouch haciendo hincapié en sus títulos más relevantes.
Happily married with a daughter, Marc is a successful real estate agent in Aix-en-Provence. One day, he has an appointment with a woman to view a traditional country house. A few hours later, Marc finally puts a name to her face. It's Cathy, the girl he was in love with growing up in Oran, Algeria, in the last days of the French colonial regime. Marc hurries to her hotel. They spend the night together. Then she's gone again. And Marc's mother tells him Cathy never left Algeria. She was killed with her father in a bombing just before independence...
Happily married with a daughter, Marc is a successful real estate agent in Aix-en-Provence. One day, he has an appointment with a woman to view a traditional country house. A few hours later, Marc finally puts a name to her face. It's Cathy, the girl he was in love with growing up in Oran, Algeria, in the last days of the French colonial regime. Marc hurries to her hotel. They spend the night together. Then she's gone again. And Marc's mother tells him Cathy never left Algeria. She was killed with her father in a bombing just before independence...
La mère
Es verano, Sam, 27 años, parte camino al sur, al volante de su Ford. Le acompañan un hermano y una hermana que ha conocido por la carretera: Mathieu y Léa. Léa es guapa, sensual, archifemenina. Le gustan a rabiar los hombres, Mathieu incluido. Durante ese largo viaje solitario rumbo a España, lejos de las autopistas, tendrán ocasión de conocerse, medirse, amarse. Pero Sam lleva dentro un secreto, una herida muy honda que le aisla más y más del resto del mundo: una madre que perdió siendo niño y que espera encontrar durante ese viaje.
Lady on the radio
As she does every morning, Lucie takes advantage of her journey to work to lose herself for a while in the pages of a good book. And as she does every morning, she joins her colleagues at the office with a smile. It's a working day just like any other. Then suddenly all activity in the office stops. All attention is turned towards the window of the opposite building opposite and abanner reading: Man Alone. Is it a hoax? A cry for help? Everyone has his own interpretation, and will try, by any means possible, to discover what lies behind this mysterious message.
Mezcla de documental y ficción en la que cinco mujeres se convierten en apoyo y guía para los jóvenes que acuden a un centro de planificación familiar. (FILMAFFINTY)
Narrator (voice)
Ya lo decía el productor Val Lewton (artífice de algunos de los hitos de Jacques Tourneur): lo que más teme el hombre es la oscuridad. La crème de la crème del cómic y la ilustración se ponen al servicio del cine para crear una película colectiva centrada en el miedo a aquello que no se ve. La variedad de nombres se traslada al plano estético que va desde la geometría pura a trazos más figurativos y las historias transcurren por distintos senderos del terror: un hombre atrapado en una casa, niños que desaparecen, pesadillas e insectos devoradores. El resultado, sin embargo, posee una misteriosa unidad, el secreto de toda una revolución de la animación. (FILMAFFINITY)
Three couples and a single guy, from different social and career backgrounds, and of various ages, struggle with finding happiness in their lives.
The seemingly separate lives of a group of men intersect entwining the fates of each of them over the course of a week.
Es Navidad. Simon (Gaspard Ulliel) tiene 19 años y vuelve a casa para pasar las fiestas, dejando atrás París, donde estudia cinematografía. en su regreso a casa de sus padres deja a todo el mundo sorprendido ya que aparace acompañado de Lousie (Mélanie Laurent), una joven a la que acaba de conocer en el tren. La propiedad de la familia se ubica en una isla. Su relación con sus padres es difícil, no obstante, con su madre Marie (Nicole Garcia) tiene una relación especial ya que parece ser la única que entiende sus elecciones: sus estudios de cine y fotografía. Simon tiene un amigo de la infancia que se ha quedado en la isla. Éste parece llevarse bien con Louise, llegando a distanciarse de Simon tras sus aventuras nocturnas. Una tarde, una inesperada llamada telefónica perturba la situación de la familia.
Joël is jealous and violent. After one crisis too many, Nicole, his young wife, returns to live with her parents with their three-year-old son. Joël hangs on, begs, threatens. One day, he kidnaps the little boy.
Michel, a young man idolized by his mother, falls in love with Madeleine. What he does not know is that the young woman is already the mistress of his father, Georges.
Julien, un relojero de unos cuarenta años, dominado por impulsos destructivos, decide chantajear a Madame X, una rica y atractiva mujer que trafica con antigüedades robadas. Lo que Julien no sabe es que Madame X guarda un secreto aún más peligroso, que lo llevará hasta Marie, la mujer de la que Julien se enamoró hace un año y que ha reaparecido misteriosamente. Marie tiene un comportamiento enigmático y, a pesar de que el amor entre ambos no deja de crecer parece incapaz de cualquier sentimiento físico. Julien, que ha recuperado la alegría de vivir, está dispuesto a desvelar el misterio y a ayudar a Marie a liberarse. Juntos irán todo lo lejos que un hombre y una mujer pueden ir, a un lugar donde las preguntas sobre la vida y la muerte, sobre el miedo y la esperanza, ya no existen. Un lugar regido por el amor sin límites.
This film, loosely inspired by Anton Chekov's The Seagull, weaves a story about sex, family and the business of making films. When the young and overly sensitive filmmaker Julien screens his new DV art-film starring his girlfriend Lili (Swimming Pool's Ludivine Sagnier) --a sexy young local girl--to his famous actress mother Mado, and her lover Brice, an accomplished film director, an unraveling of the delicate peace in their house begins. The graceful beauty Lili, who dreams of becoming a famous actress like Mado, is immediately fascinated by Brice, who gladly falls prey to her charms.
Madame Driant
A killer has found a way to kill women without committing the crime. He gets them to fall in love with him, like Isolde falls for Tristan in the epic poem, and then he leaves them. Heartbroken they choose suicide, just like Isolde.
Basada en hechos reales. Narra la historia de Jean Claude Roman, aparentemente un marido ideal, amante perfecto, padre ejemplar e insospechado asesino.
Basada en hechos reales. Narra la historia de Jean Claude Roman, aparentemente un marido ideal, amante perfecto, padre ejemplar e insospechado asesino.
Margot Fisher
Grieving after the death of her young son Joseph, novelist Betty Fisher enters a dark depression. Hoping to bring her out of it, her mother Margot arranges to kidnap another child, Jose, to replace the son Betty lost. Although she knows it's wrong, Betty accepts Jose as her new son. Meanwhile, Jose's mother Carole is looking for her son with the help of her boyfriend Francois and some of his criminal cohorts.
After Coralie was found dead in a vacant lot, her mother Catherine - who thinks that her daughter was murdered - conducts her own investigation.
Anna Polaris
Comedy drama about an apathetic writer whose only interest is in his psychiatrist's watch which may have belonged to John F. Kennedy at the time of his assassination in 1963.
El fallecimiento de su marido, propietario de una prestigiosa joyería, deja en la bancarrota a una mujer burguesa adicta al alcohol. Cuando descubre un cofre secreto que pertenecía a su esposo, con siete valiosos diamantes, su vida dará un giro de 180 grados, pero una amenaza acechará su recién adquirida felicidad...
El fallecimiento de su marido, propietario de una prestigiosa joyería, deja en la bancarrota a una mujer burguesa adicta al alcohol. Cuando descubre un cofre secreto que pertenecía a su esposo, con siete valiosos diamantes, su vida dará un giro de 180 grados, pero una amenaza acechará su recién adquirida felicidad...
Two girls meet on a train: Prune is looking for her father whom she has not seen since she was a little girl, Marina is looking for the mother she has never had. Prune learns that her father took his life and then she accidentally dies by drowning. Marina decides to assume her identity and begins a correspondence with Prune's mother.
Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...
Jean-Paul Mantegna, the son of Italian immigrants now living in Nice, is a hunted man, riddled with debt and involved in borderline illegal companies. To extricate himself, he has to rely on Philippe and François, his two brothers, and on Raphaël, his father; a family torn by disputes and tragic events. However, by rebuilding family unity, Jean-Paul also discovers the secret of his own destiny...
A surgeon in her forties sees the course of her life deeply disturbed by the crazy love of a teenager.
This movie is about love affairs, simple pleasures of a few men and women who will gather for a few days in a villa, around a piano and the music of Gottschalk who is perhaps the main actor.
La historia de 3 hermanas durante la guerra de Argelia.
Camille, a mercurial César-winning actress, has seen better times. Estranged from her husband, she's with her children only every other weekend. It's her weekend, but her agent has booked her to MC a Rotary club dinner in Vichy. She takes them with her, and when her husband learns this, he demands to pick them up at once. She bolts in a rented car to the seaside, trying to improve her relations with the children, especially the precocious and distant Vincent. He loves astronomy. A rare meteor shower is due in a few days, so she suggests they go to a plateau in Spain hoping to see it. He agrees, but the relationship remains difficult, and her husband is on their trail.
Camille, a mercurial César-winning actress, has seen better times. Estranged from her husband, she's with her children only every other weekend. It's her weekend, but her agent has booked her to MC a Rotary club dinner in Vichy. She takes them with her, and when her husband learns this, he demands to pick them up at once. She bolts in a rented car to the seaside, trying to improve her relations with the children, especially the precocious and distant Vincent. He loves astronomy. A rare meteor shower is due in a few days, so she suggests they go to a plateau in Spain hoping to see it. He agrees, but the relationship remains difficult, and her husband is on their trail.
Florence Vannier-Buchet
She is Florence Vannier-Buchet. Married to Protestant banker Jean-Marc Buchet. Florence leads a major sporting goods company with happiness and firmness. He is Antoine Lombard, Professor, son of a teacher, he is Secretary of State at the Universities. He divides his time between his ministerial activity and his riding in the working class suburb of Chartres. An elected member of the "pink wave". They met during a stormy assembly of the CNPF. The action takes place in 1983. Florence is engaged in a daring industrial and financial operation, while Antoine is putting the finishing touches to a bill for the renovation of Higher Education. Everything separates them and yet they do not manage to live separated from each other ...
Elaine Briand
Thriller about a psycho looking for revenge. Bronsky is a paraplegic because of an accident at a construction site that was partly due to the head architect, David Briand. Many years after the accident, Bronsky shows up at Briand's residence with his family and his trailer looking for assistance. He and his wife insinuate themselves into the household without revealing their true identity. They start to work for Briand and his wife Elaine as a gardener and a babysitter with the sole objective of wreaking havoc on their lives and avenging Bronsky's disabilities.
Self in 'Deux sur la balançoire'
1986. Después de su breve encuentro de 1966, Anne Gauthier y Jean-Louis Duroc han seguido rumbos divergentes y no se han vuelto a ver más. Anne sigue estando viuda y se ha convertido en directora de cine. Jean-Louis es el director del equipo automobilístico Lancia y se encarga de organizar el rally París-Dakar; también sigue viudo, pero tiene novia. Anne, que está viviendo una etapa crítica, decide rodar un filme sobre un momento crucial de su vida: su idilio con Jean-Louis. Se pone en contacto con él y se citan en el mismo restaurante en el que empezó su historia veinte años antes.
Catherine Carré
Yves Dorget, major reporter in a daily newspaper, finds on an "affair" part of a simple news item Catherine Carré, his former friend, editor and chief and star presenter of a television newscast.
Julia Tombsthay
Una magnate y su joven mujer Julia contratan a David Aurphet para que enseñe guitarra a Vivianne, su hija adolescente. Un día Julia seduce a David...
Marion Wormser
In post-revolutionary France, two neighbouring aristocrats (Nicole Garcia and Jean-Pierre Marielle) embark on a dangerous game when they agree to help a Polish agent.
After a life of emotional and professional upsets, Alex finds himself headwaiter in a chic Parisian restaurant. Well into middle age, divorced but still very much a ladies’ man, he has one great ambition: to open an amusement park by the sea. One day, an old flame, Claire, suddenly re-enters his life. For Alex, the fires of love are easily re-kindled, but Claire has another man in her life…
During the Second World War, Yvon joins the Gestapo to save his Jewish girlfriend, Stella, from deportation. When France is liberated, he has to answer for his past. Hunted, he decides to escape to Spain, but Stella refuses to go with him.
Francesca, a magistrate, seems happily married to a successful and wealthy engineer. They prepare to spend a holiday together when Francesca is instructed to shed light on the mysterious death of a girl, Rosa Franceschi, who threw herself from the terrace of her house. Francesca interrogates friends and neighbours of the victim, especially Veronica Marini who, living opposite the victim's apartment, followed the whole story. This is how she discovers her husband's affair with Rosa Franceschi and her involvement in the girl's suicide or murder.
Lenore Carvo
A NYPD officer imprisons and tortures an admitted cop-killer, but finds the tables turned when his victim refuses to break and in fact urges more punishment.
Patricia Caron
During a televised debate on the Algerian war in the early 1980s, Professor Paulet denounced the methods of Captain Caron, killed in action in 1957. The widow of the captain, Patricia, decided to file a defamation suit.
David, un cineasta judío de treinta años, está trabajando en un guión de tintes autobiográficos. Su novia, Anna, con quien vive, encuentra su historia muy narcisista.
Reduced to poverty, a young man is taken in by a rich lady who asks him for some dangerous services in exchange.
Película que narra las relaciones entre una joven "lolita" de 14 años y su padrastro, tras la muerte accidental de la madre. Estrenada en el Festival de Cannes, no estuvo exenta de polémica, más que por su escenas eróticas, por la corta edad del personaje protagonista. (FILMAFFINITY)
When his father dies a young man has the choice to continue the farmwork of his old man who suffered because of the hard labour and all the regulations.
Anne Meyer
Cuatro familias de distinta nacionalidad (rusa, alemana, americana y francesa), apasionadas por la música, ven cómo la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) trastorna sus vidas y sus carreras musicales. (FILMAFFINITY)
Janine Garnier
El profesor Henry Laborit explica una teoría sobre el comportamiento humano por medio del estudio de tres historias que acontecen paralelamente: René (Gérard Depardieu), empleado en una industria textil, debe afrontar la posibilidad de ser despedido. Janine (Nicole García) es una actriz que, al descubrir que la mujer de su amante está gravemente enferma, decide que él debe estar a su lado en esos momentos. Jean (Roger Pierre) es un polifacético escritor y político que debe tomar una decisión que implica renunciar a su carrera.
España, 1973. El dictador Francisco Franco ha gobernado el país desde 1939 con puño de hierro; pero ahora es un hombre muy viejo y enfermo. El futuro del debilitado régimen está en peligro. El almirante Carrero Blanco es su sucesor natural. La banda terrorista vasca ETA decide que debe morir para evitar que la dictadura continúe.
Mme Le Guenn
Three men with a penchant for gambling on the horses soon find themselves in trouble because of their addiction. Pierre (Michel Piccoli) is the math whiz who uses his talent for picking the winners. Charles (Michel Galabru) is the wealthy scrap-iron magnate who has embarrassing evidence on many prominent political figures. Loic (Jacques Dutronc) is the aspiring politico who seeks to further his career by any means possible. Charles approaches Loic and asks his political party for a loan in hopes of fixing an upcoming race....
A discontented concert pianist causes all sorts of heartbreak with his egotistical and womanizing antics, and all the people in his life attempt to force him to grow up in this French comedy/drama.
Roland, un marino que ha hecho escala en Barcelona para reunirse con su mujer, descubre un cadáver en la habitación contigua del hotel donde se hospeda. De repente, es encerrado sin saber por qué en una clínica privada y un médico le reclama una misteriosa maleta. Mientras, su vecino de habitación le habla de una mariposa posada sobre su espalda. Roland escapa y busca a la policía. Cuando llegan a la clínica, el lugar está vacío pero encuentran un cadáver. Lo acusan del asesinato, pero él sabe que no lo ha cometido.
Agnès Charlegue
1957. For several months, Henri Charlègue, the ex-director of the newspaper "Alger democratic", banned, has been living in hiding. Suspected of belonging to the FLN, he is actively sought by paratroopers.
A 17-year-old high school student, Jenny Kern, is found dead from cold and exhaustion in the suburbs of Lausanne, Switzerland.
Hélène Mauve
Después de pasar siete años en prisión por un crimen que no cometió, François regresa a su hogar en una pequeña ciudad industrial del norte de Francia. Su intención es buscar a quienes le involucraron en este delito y descubrir a los verdaderos culpables. En una ciudad donde todos se conocen y él se ha ganado numerosos enemigos, también descubrirá el amor en la persona de la hija de un rico empresario.
Dos hechiceras inmortales, Leni y Viva mantienen un enfrentamiento en París. Una cree en la noche, la otra en la luz. Ambas ambicionan hacerse con un anillo que les ha de permitir permanecer para siempre sobre la faz de la Tierra, el cual está en posesión de un grupo de mortales.
A nurse
Jean-Pierre Marielle y Jean Rochefort interpretan a un ginecólogo y un gigoló agotados de cualquier sugerencia sexual femenina. El doctor no soporta ver una vagina más, mientras que el gigoló está exhausto de la exigencia sexual de las mujeres. Ambos deciden refugiarse en una villa con la única compañía de los sacerdotes del lugar, pero el casto encierro se torna en pesadilla al presentarse un regimiento de mujeres armadas.
The girl
A look at 18th-century France, when the authorities depravity contributed to social oppression, and the uprisings flared up one after another.
Une femme au café
A fake documentary on the life forms of the Paris Suburbs, viewed through the eyes of homeless, unemployed people the sharks of politics and building societies push to hopeless life.
La jeune fille verbalisée
El gendarme Cruchot trabaja en una operación para castigar a automovilistas imprudentes. Un buen día se enamora perdidamente de Josefa, la viuda de un coronel de gendarmes. Cruchot y Josefa empezarán a verse a escondidas y esto no le sentará muy bien a Nicole, la hija de Cruchot. Poco a poco las relaciones entre las dos mujeres se irán estabilizando pero Cruchot parecerá más preocupado por el ascenso que se debate entre Gerber y él.
Ten young people (six boys and four girls), most of whom students, rent a house in bad repair and set about living together. The experience is not obvious and the ten tenants have to cope with more than one difficulty. But they also have their moments. Things really go awry when Françoise, an unmarried girl, is forced to deliver the baby she carries prematurely and when Solange, the lonely girl of the group, attempts suicide. Shortly afterwards, the group learns that the house is due for demolition. They decide to take advantage of this opportunity to face adult life individually.