Se-Ra es una presentadora famosa en una estación de radiodifusión. 5 minutos antes de que su transmisión de noticias se transmita en vivo, recibe una llamada telefónica. La persona que llama, Mi-So, le dice a Se-Ra: "Alguien me va a matar, por favor, cubra la historia de mi muerte".
Se-Ra es una presentadora famosa en una estación de radiodifusión. 5 minutos antes de que su transmisión de noticias se transmita en vivo, recibe una llamada telefónica. La persona que llama, Mi-So, le dice a Se-Ra: "Alguien me va a matar, por favor, cubra la historia de mi muerte".
One late summer. Yuko has a cold and doesn't go to school. She waits for someone in a strange neighborhood until sunset.
One late summer. Yuko has a cold and doesn't go to school. She waits for someone in a strange neighborhood until sunset.
Every day on his way to work, a man steals a look at a boy living in the neighborhood.
He can't help gazing at the boy's beautiful face.
Every day on his way to work, a man steals a look at a boy living in the neighborhood.
He can't help gazing at the boy's beautiful face.
A man in his late thirties sees his friends moving away from him more and more because of the responsibilities that come with entering adulthood, while he studies poetry and wonders if it is worthwhile to follow his relationship or settle his head and find a stable job.