Caroline Vedel Larsen


Ella seeks out her ex-boyfriend Ernst, who works as a private in a small military base. She wants him home. But Ernst faces a seemingly significant task. Ella quickly turns the systematics that prevail at the military base upside down.
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Mina y el mundo de los sueños
Jenny (voice)
La vida de Minna, una joven de 12 años, se ve totalmente alterada cuando Jenny, su nueva hermanastra, se muda a su casa. Para Minna, Jenny es lo más molesto del mundo y no puede esperar para tenerla fuera de su vida. Una noche, Minna conoce a los Constructores de Sueños, aquellos que trabajan en pequeños platós de cine construyendo los sueños cada noche. Es entonces que tiene una idea, quizá pueda cambiar a Jenny manipulando sus sueños. Pero cambiar los sueños conlleva grandes consecuencias... Y es cuando Minna tendrá que salvar a Jenny en el mundo de los sueños para salvar a su familia en el mundo real.
During happier times, Andreas and the dominant ex-girlfriend Josefine acquired a joint bunny, which they now split between them in a divorce-like alternate scheme of shared custody. Josefine desperately tries to get Andreas back and constantly uses the bunny as an excuse to control his life - but can Josefine continue to use the cute bunny as leverage when a new woman suddenly comes into Andreas's life?
OverLove tells the story of the 17-year-old Olivia, who struggles with anxiety and OCD on a daily basis. Olivia's OCD revolves around the fear of hurting those she loves most, and it is concretized in an intense fear of hurting her 9-year-old brother, Noa, to whom she is extremely close.