En la histórica región de Donbass, en el este de Ucrania, a pesar de la cruel guerra que se viene librando desde 2014 entre las autoproclamadas Repúblicas Populares de Donetsk y Luhansk y el Gobierno ucraniano, la gente trata de sobrevivir en el podrido corazón del caos, donde la violencia se disfraza de paz, la propaganda se convierte en unívoca verdad y el odio reina en nombre del amor.
The young musician vagabond cheats his mother pretending he is external student of the fiscal academy and serving in the military. Mother works abroad and sends money to her son. Everything is fucking good till last exam session. He fails and could be excluded from the academy. Mother goes to Ukraine to do whatever is needed to help her son to make his way in the world. The son should play a military show to hide his bluff.
The series consists of ten films based on love and erotic works of Ukrainian literature from the middle of the 19th century to the present day. The films explore love as a multidimensional phenomenon. This is a kind of retrospective slice of the history of society, culture, and art. There are changes in the attitude towards a woman, mother, lover.