Michael Khmurov

Michael Khmurov

Nacimiento : 1966-02-26, Kimovsk, Tula region, RSFSR, USSR


Mikhail Henrikhovich Khmurov (born February 26, 1966, the city of Tula, Tula region, RSFSR, USSR) - Soviet, Russian and Hollywood film and television actor. From Wikipedia (ru), the free encyclopedia


Michael Khmurov
Michael Khmurov
Michael Khmurov
Michael Khmurov


100 Minutes
kavtorang Buynovsky
100 Minutes is the tale of thousands of Soviet soldiers who fought the Nazis and whose only ‘crime’ was to get caught. Stalin’s justice meted out on the prisoners who returned home was swift: ten years of forced labour in the Siberian camps. Why then would prisoners like Ivan Denisovich fight to stay alive to face another day of hell?
Hero 115
About Hero of the Soviet Union Lieutenant General Ivan Rosly - a commander who went from an ordinary Red Army soldier to a military leader, a participant in two wars: the Soviet-Finnish war and the Great Patriotic War.
To Paris!
An amazing story of tank crewmen who had gone through the war hand in hand and decided to celebrate the great victory in Paris. The friends, who had survived the dreadful experience of war, reached Berlin and set their eyes on a new course in life involving love, breath-taking adventures and their dream town Paris. The movie is based on real events.
Convoy 48: La última resistencia
La colegiala de Leningrado de ayer, Masha Yablochkina, después de un feroz bloqueo de invierno de 1941-1942, llega a las vías del tren con la esperanza de sobrevivir y ganar fuerza. Desde allí, la niña es enviada a la construcción de la carretera Shlisselburg, que conecta la ciudad con el continente y está a la vista de la artillería alemana. Entonces, la heroína ingresa a la columna de locomotoras 48 de la reserva especial NKPS, que, a costa del riesgo mortal, tendrá que entregar el 75% de toda la carga y el equipo militar a Leningrado.
Héroes de guerra
Después del bombardeo de la OTAN a Yugoslavia en 1999, el ejército yugoslavo se retira de la región de Kosovo, dejando al pueblo serbio a merced de los terroristas albaneses de UCK. Una pequeña banda de soldados debe hacerse cargo del aeropuerto de Slatina y mantenerlo hasta que lleguen las fuerzas de paz rusas.
Have Fun, Vasya!
Otets Alisy
Mitya accidentally proposed to his girlfriend. The problem is that Mitya is already married to Vasya, who refuses to grant him a divorce. Can Mitya and his friends convince Vasya to change her mind?
Sobre Moscú es derribado un objeto no identificado, posiblemente de origen extraterrestre. Esto hace que la mayor parte de la capital quede acordonada, para evacuación a los residentes locales y para que un equipo del Ministerio de Defensa, trate de ponerse en contacto con los llamados “invitados”.
Ельцин. Три дня в августе
One War
May, 8, 1945. Maxim Prokhorov, major of People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs, arrives at a small northern island. There live eleven people: five young women, five children from one to three years, and the captain Karp Nichiporuk. The young mothers were exiled to the island from the territories occupied by fascists, and their children are the children of the German occupier. Arrival of the major upsets the casual life on the island. The major has to "clean up" the island and the nearest settlements. The military man authorizes a plan to organize a training camp in the region for saboteurs. The night of May, 9, the women are told about the German capitulation, their hopes for forgiveness and return home become a certainty. They are even allowed to celebrate the Victory.
Contrary to common sense
A successful landscape designer Marina is going to get married. Next Saturday, her high-ranking father will meet her fiancé Alexander. Just a day before the significant Saturday Alexander leaves the Marina.
Igor / Jack
Anna needs money for her son. The father says no and swears he's got none. Some men show up and they have a gun.
Russian Man
Willy Beachum es un joven y ambicioso fiscal cuya carrera está empezando a despegar. Por otra parte, Ted Crawford es un ingeniero de mediana edad que acaba de disparar a su mujer a sangre fría. El destino querrá que ambos hombres se encuentren cara a cara en un camino de destino inescrutable. Crawford resulta ser tan complejo e impredecible como el crimen que ha cometido y, así, mientras el caso perfecto de Willy comienza a desmoronarse, el futuro del joven fiscal parece destruirse con él.
NASA and its Soviet-Russian counterpart prepare another mission to the permanent space station.
Cuestión de sangre
Joshua, un asesino profesional, vuelve a su ciudad natal por cuestiones de trabajo. El retorno a la población de inmigrantes rusos donde pasó su juventud despierta en él recuerdos dolorosos y confusos.
Шереметьево 2
Kostya - khudozhnik