Egor Bakulin

Egor Bakulin

Nacimiento : 1981-07-30, Saratov, RSFSR, USSR


Egor Bakulin
Egor Bakulin


Здравствуй, Дедушка Мороз!
A Moscow journalist is sent to prepare a report on the work of Santa Claus on New Year's Eve. Dressed in the suit and beard of the main New Year's wizard, he gets home to the boy Sasha, to whom he promises to fulfill his desire - to return his dad.
Patines de Plata
1899, la época navideña de San Petersburgo. Los ríos y canales de la capital cubiertos de hielo hierven con actividades festivas. En vísperas del nuevo siglo, aquellos que no deberían estar destinados a encontrarse, se unen. Son personas de diferentes mundos: Matvey, hijo de un farolero, cuyo único tesoro son sus patines plateados; Alice es la hija de un funcionario de alto rango que sueña con la ciencia. Cada uno de ellos tiene su propia y difícil historia de vida, pero al conocerse accidentalmente, se apresuran juntos en busca de sus sueños.
Crimean Bridge. Made With Love!
Пухляк, водитель скорой помощи
The whole life of the recent provincials, and now Muscovite Katie - one continuous selfie with a series of celebrities. Any intrigues for the sake of likes, any exploits in the name of “star instagram” status. But, the number of subscribers is still not enough and for the sake of the cherished goal, she goes to St. Petersburg to take a selfie with a mysterious artist who hides her identity, and thereby blow up the Internet. And at this time at the airport, a respectable stranger asks Katya to hand over the usual envelope to an unknown recipient ...
Patas huesos y Rock and Roll
Una historia divertida sobre las aventuras de dos amigos peludos familiares de la serie "Six Degrees of Celebration".
Kicking Off
This movie is about soccer hooligans, the most aggressive and violent soccer aficionados. They are an exclusive group, the elite of all soccer fans. Whoever they may be in their everyday lives—college students, bankers, musicians, or car mechanics—they are a “firm.” It’s easy to get into a firm, but once you’re in, it’s for life. There’s no going back. The movie is based on actual events
Alexander: The Neva Battle
Young prince Aleksandr has to hold out against two enemies - the Horde in the east and the Teutonic order and Sweden in the west. He discovers that some boyars are plotting against him and are ready to betray Novgorod to the Swedes and the Germans to boost their trade. Meanwhile, his best friend falls under suspicion, as somebody tries to poison the young prince at his own wedding feast. Aleksandr has no way out - to defend his people against the invaders and to find the true poisoner.
El arca rusa
El Marqués de Coustine, un diplomático francés del siglo XVIII con una relación de amor/odio hacia Rusia se encuentra en un viaje en el tiempo en el Palacio de Invierno de San Petersburgo -desde los tiempos de Pedro el Grande hasta nuestros días. Con él, un invisible realizador ruso (en off), que está confuso sobre la posición de Rusia en Europa.