A small, animated figure learns how to use a whip, a pair of wings and a house.
A happy little potter is approached by a huge hand which wants him to sculpt its statue. The potter refuses, wanting nothing more than to be left alone with his only friend, a potted plant. As the hand's request gives way to bribery, demands, and threats, the potter becomes more desperate to escape its clutch, leading to tragedy.
Trnka’s sci-fi vision of the future in which machines and robots try to substitute themselves into the most beautiful human relationships. A cybernetic robot is supposed to substitute for the loving grandmother of a little girl. The wise grandmother, however, comes back and the girl finds the warmth of her grandmother’s loving arms again. Trnka’s artistic ideas in this film can be described as both poetically fragile and dramatically cautionary.
Visual Effects
The passion for high speed can nowadays almost be seen in the new-born. The film shows that such passion, if not controlled, is self-destructing and even suicidal. At least this is the way Trnka presents it in this satiric story. —
El primer kinescopio de títeres del mundo. Se basa en la famosa comedia poética de William Shakespeare . Tres mundos se encuentran en esta historia: el noble mundo de tres parejas de Atenas, un mundo popular común de comerciantes de teatro amateur y una felicidad de cuento de hadas de criaturas mágicas como elfos y ninfas. La película es considerada la obra más destacada de Jirí Trnka y un hito en la historia del mundo de la animación.