Mike Hall


Los asesinatos del patio trasero
Sound Mixer
Los 'Wiseguys', una banda de rock conducida por Toney (Corey Haim) y buscando alcanzar la fama, está grabando su primer vídeo musical en el estudio más famoso de Hollywood. La banda, su director (Charles Fleischer) y su agente (Priscilla Barnes) planean hacer todo lo posible para que todo salga bien. De repente, al comenzar la grabación, todo el equipo, junto a sus acompañantes se convierten en en el blanco de ataque de un asesino sicopático enmascarado.
Escape from Alaska
Sound Mixer
A helicopter pilot work with a husband and his wife in the frozen North tagging foxes for the Environmental Protection Agency. When an avalanche hits the group, the husband is killed and only by the pilot's perseverance is the wife saved. Two years later, the wife takes on a corporation which wants to extend an oil pipeline across the tundra above Juneau. She is convinced that this will cause an avalanche on the town. Of course, she is rejected by the corporation executives. She recruits the pilot to try to aid her, but with no success.
Infierno de cristal
Production Sound Mixer
Un policía y su mujer se ven envueltos en una trama peligrosa protagonizada por una banda de terroristas. Éstos se apoderan de todo un edificio matando a algunas personas y tomando un grupo de rehenes.
Aptas para matar
Production Sound Mixer
Un hombre de negocios chino posee un fabuloso diamante llamado Alexa que fue robado en Rusia durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En una recepción, el diamante es robado por Kane y su seductora y letal compañera Blu Steele. La recuperación de la joya será encargada a una agencia especial compuesta solo por mujeres.
Hard Hunted
Production Sound Mixer
Nueva entrega de las peripecias de la agente antidroga Donna Hamilton dirigida como siempre por Andy Sidaris. En esta ocasión habrá armas nucleares de por medio y la seguridad del planeta estará en el aire.
Vencer o Morir
Production Sound Mixer
Un jefe del crimen internacional (Pat Morita) planea un juego mortal de represalias para enseñar a las entrometidas federales una lección que nunca olvidarán. Las reglas son simples: ¡Vencer o morir!
Ráfaga infernal
Sound Mixer
Un traficante de armas sudamericano utiliza una isla de Hawaii como base de operaciones. Un equipo de agentes compuesto por hermosas mujeres es enviado para acabar con él.
Sound Mixer
It seems the Fulton family has to keep moving from one town to another, because the mother is a homicidal maniac who murders any man who doesn't submit to her drunken seductions. And Mr. Fulton, like any good, caring husband, never thinks twice about burying her victims in the backyard, packing up the family car, and setting off for a brand-new destination.
Sound Recordist
Here's the pitch - 12 of the most beautiful, talented women ever to play ball, 24 of the most incredible breasts to ever hide in a wet T-shirt. 10 of the most handsome, virile men ever seen in an adult movie. The top-in-line in anyone's double-header, it's a home run guaranteed to make everyone score! Beautiful Lolita, queen of all the hookers, incarcerated in the city jail, finds more thrills than bargained for when she aggressively solicits her warden for improved jail conditions. She finds the sex starved public servant has one goal - to be governor - and has spent the jail refurbishing funds for his campaign. Lolita and the warden decide to have a "whing ding" of a baseball game to refill the jail fund and to quell his desires. The burly studs of Cellblock B, a melee that contests brawn against brains, and bawdy bodies, see the Beavers against the Dicks, it's a game you'll never forget and a ballgame played like you've never seen before!
Sweater Girls
Production Sound Mixer
A group of teenage girls forms a club, The Sweater Girls, to preserve their virginity.