Curtis Sliwa


Hail Yourself, America!
In 2017, podcaster and comedian Ben Kissel ran for Brooklyn Borough President to stand up for his neighborhood. Facing New York City's political establishment, Ben and his team documented the campaign to show that even in the country's largest city, a "tall man for the small man" can make a big difference!
Thank You for Not Breeding
Biologists estimate 20,000 to 40,000 species go extinct every year, many times higher than the "background extinction rate" built into the evolutionary process. The cause? Human environmental impact, the product of consumption times population. Many environmentalists focus on our excessive consumption, but discussing the latter factor in the equation - population - has fallen out of vogue. Welcome to environmentalism's radical fringe: the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement and the Church of Euthanasia. Armed with slogans like "Thank You For Not Breeding" and "Live Long and Die Out," their ideas are usually greeted with laughter or hostility. But beneath the silliness, do they have a point? Through humorous animation and live-action interviews with academics, economists, and activists across the political spectrum, "Thank You For Not Breeding" takes a new look at our species, our environment, and our future.
Estado de sitio
Tras el secuestro de un líder religioso musulmán por tropas norteamericanas, Nueva York se convierte en el objetivo de una serie de atentados terroristas. Anthony Hubbard, el director del equipo antiterrorista del FBI, y la agente de la CIA Elise Kraft serán los encargados de acabar con la organización criminal. Mientras tanto, el gobierno decide declarar la ley marcial en la Gran Manzana.