Flavio Bucci

Flavio Bucci

Nacimiento : 1947-05-25, Turin, Italy

Muerte : 2020-02-18


Flavio Bucci (25 May 1947 – 18 February 2020) was an Italian actor. He appeared in over 90 films and television shows from 1971 until his death. Internationally, he may be best known for playing Daniel, the blind pianist, in Dario Argento's Suspiria (1977). His breakthrough role was the banknote-burning main character of Elio Petri's politically-charged Property Is No Longer a Theft (1973).


Flavio Bucci
Flavio Bucci
Flavio Bucci
Flavio Bucci


The Big Step
Umberto Cavalieri
Ever since, at the age of six, Dario Cavalieri saw live images of the first moon landing, he has never stopped wanting to go there. Mario Cavalieri runs a neighborhood hardware store in Rome, until the day his existence is upset by the phone ring. His brother Dario is in prison. Mario finds himself being the only one who can take care of that brother he has seen only once in his life. The two brothers, as physically similar as they are different in character, will find themselves alone in the face of an impossible undertaking.
Credo in un solo padre
Zio Domenico Bianco
Falcino, a small town in the south of Italy. No one sees. No one hears. Nobody talks. But everyone knows. And so they all become accomplices of a tragedy against women, against kids, against a family. A story of violence and slavery. Indifference is stronger than their conscience. Maria, a young mother of a family, lives with her husband Gerardo and her two children, Rocco e Carmela, on her father-in-law's farm: "grandpà" Giuseppe. Gerardo decides to emigrate to Austria to earn more money so as to allow a more comfortable life for the family. This absence will be the beginning of a nightmare that will lead Maria and her daughter to be victims of abuse of an unscrupulous ogre (monster).
Flavioh - Tributo a Flavio Bucci
Sotto il Segno della Vittoria
Vecchio Moreno
The Gospel According to Mattei
Franco Gravela
A cinic director and his assistant come back to Basilicata, their homeland, looking for redemption. 50 years aged and aristically loser, they try to shoot a rickety investigative movie titled "Il Vangelo secondo Mattei" in the same location where Pasolini filmed his "The Gospel According to St. Matthew" but focusing on the disasters caused by oil extractions in their wasteland of Basilicata, in the south of Italy. As main character, they choose Franco, 70 years old, that was an extra in Pasolini film...
Tutto può accadere nel villaggio dei miracoli
The Great Rage
Virgilio, Matteo's father
The Great Rage
Virgilio, Padre Matteo
The Vanishing of Pato
Capitano Arturo Bosisio
La historia tiene lugar en la Italia del año 1890, en concreto en Vigata. Allí se encuentra el contable Antonio Patò, el cual trabaja como director de un banco. Un día de Semana Santa Patò desaparece misteriosamente sin dejar rastro alguno. En el momento en el que desaparece estaban representando una obra teatral en la que él tenía el importante papel de Judas, y nadie sabe qué ha podido ser de él.
Il Divo
Franco Evangelisti
Film sobre una de las figuras más controvertidas de la política italiana, el que fuera jefe del gobierno en siete ocasiones, Giulio Andreotti. Narra las presuntas relaciones de Andreotti con la mafia siciliana, delitos por los que fue procesado en los años 90 y absuelto por falta de pruebas.
Lezioni di volo
Pollo's father
A pair of teen friends – known as "Chicken & Curry" because they are virtually inseparable – fail their high school finals and try to cover it by claiming that Curry is in the midst of an identity crisis that can only be solved by a visit to his ancestral homeland, India. While the ruse works wonderfully on their parents, this impromptu journey of self-discovery takes an unexpected detour when Curry locates his biological sister and remains captivated by the country he first despised, and Chicken falls for an older doctor working for Médecins Sans Frontières.
Il silenzio dell'allodola
Direttore del carcere
Caterina se va a Roma
Lorenzo Rossi Chaillet
When her social-climbing father is relocated from small-town North to his native Rome, 12-year-old Caterina enrolls to his old school, finding herself in an completely different environment where students rigidly divide themselves in subcultures based on social class and their parents' political affiliation.
Volesse il cielo!
Uomo Angelo
A police inspector has to help an eccentric stranger who seems to have lost his memory.
Il vescovo
Lucio's father
Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.
I miei più cari amici
Il botanico
Fratelli coltelli
Marco, 22 years old, lives in a Roma's suburb. His life goes on without any goal in an anonymous way. His only successful situation is his relationship with Zaira, a Somalian girl. While spending days uselessly, he meets Saverio, AKAS "The Fuhrer", head of a bunch of Nazi skins. He is fascinated by Saverio's world and tries all he can do to enter the fascist group. From that point on his life is deeply involved with the group activity. He tries to hide his relationship with Zaira, but the destiny is waiting for the final count.
Daddy, Don't Blush
Tullio Venturini, a retired widower, has a daughter, Anna, who is an actress. However, he is the only one not to know that she works in the porn industry.
professor Moira
Scandalously famous collections of short Italian comedies of the 90s! All that was "fun" in those years in Italy - all here! The sea of black humor on all issues - sex, politics, mafia, crime, TV...
With Murder in Mind
Silvester Orlandini
La posta in gioco
How Long Is the Adventure
Padre Ribaldo
In order to get some money Gianni Zappi tries to organize an insurance fraud by drowning his yacht.
Il mistero del panino assassino
Freckled Max and the Spooks
A parody of Frankensteinian stories. It is a story of a little boy, an orphan who arrives at the Castle of Count Frankenstein - a world inhabited by mysterious and sometimes a bit ridiculous scary creatures. Although each one of them is different, they all share one thing: they feel lonely and they are desperate for a little love and affection.
Según Poncio Pilatos
Erode Antipa
Después de la muerte de Jesús, Poncio Pilatos tiene remordimientos por haber consentido en crucificar a Jesús y le pide al emperador que le decapite. (FILMAFFINITY)
Herman Pundt
Una empresa constructora pretende lanzar al mercado un moderno modelo de refugio antiatómico. Quince voluntarios de diversos países aceptan participar en el experimento a cambio de una gran suma de dinero. La prueba consiste en pasar veinte días en un búnker subterráneo, bien equipados y abastecidos, pero completamente aislados del mundo. Durante ese tiempo, un científico estudiará las reacciones físicas y psicológicas del grupo.
Tex y el señor de los abismos
Tex Willer y sus compañeros, el viejo ranger Kit Carson y el guerrero navajo Tiger Jack, desbaratan una banda de traficantes de armas; encuentran que éstas, robadas al Ejército, están destinadas a una tribu de yaquis. Después de descubrir algunos cadáveres momificados por unas misteriosas piedras verdes, Tex consulta a un experto de lo oculto, El Morisco, y con su ayuda tendrá que enfrentarse al líder de los yaquis, el inquietante Señor de los abismos.
La doble vida de Matías Pascal
Terenzio Papiano
Inspirada en la conocida novela de Luigi Pirandello "El difunto Matias Pascal". El protagonista, a quien todos dan por muerto en su pueblo, viaja a Montecarlo y gana una considerable suma de dinero jugando a la ruleta, situación que aprovechará para cambiar de identidad y empezar una nueva vida recorriendo Europa. Años más tarde, hastiado de una vida que lo obliga al aislamiento, regresará a su pueblo natal.
Woman of Wonders
Un mujeriego empieza a recibir llamadas de una misteriosa mujer, lo cual consigue que empiece a reflexionar sobre su vida.
Poli Ugo, investigator of the Police Headquarters, after an accident that leaves him lame is relegated to the archives by his superiors. To take revenge for the treatment he has suffered, he secretly withdraws unresolved files from the archive, investigating and solving cases on his behalf, without communicating the result to those in charge.
Dream of a Summer Night
Rock musical adaptation of William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
The Magic Mountain
Ludovico Settembrini
Hans Castorp, fresh from university and about to become a civil engineer, comes to the Sanatorium Berghof in the Swiss Alps to visit his cousin Joachim, an army officer, who is recovering there from tuberculosis. Intending to remain at the Berghof for three weeks, Hans is gradually contaminated by the morbid atmosphere pervading the place. Wishing very much to be considered a patient like the others, he achieves his ends and stays in the sanatorium for ...seven years. During this time, he has enough time to take part in the furious philosophical debates pitting against each other Settembrini, a secular humanist, and Naphta, a totalitarian Jesuit. And to fall in love with the beautiful but enigmatic Clawdia Chauchat. When he is finally discharged in 1914 - along with all the other patients - it is only to plunge into the horrors of World War I.
Italian movie
El marqués del Grillo
Don Bastiano
En la Roma de principios del XIX, el noble Onofrio del Grillo dedica su vida a los placeres mundanos ignorando sus obligaciones con el Papa Pío VII.
Il matlosa
A Canton Ticino family goes up for the weekend to the house in the mountains where the father spent his childhood. The journey to the valley, suffered at intervals by his wife and children, is an obsessive ritual for Alfredo, repeated week after week as he searches for his past.
Men or Not Men
Enne 2
In Milan, in the winter of 1944, the ruthless Cane Nero leads the fascists against the partisans. Enne 2, one of the leading figures of the C.N.L., meets Berta, whom he loved three years ago, but Berta refuses to leave her husband for him. Enne 2 is pursued by the fascists of Cane Nero and, instead of running away to Turin, waits for Berta to rejoin him
Maledetti vi amerò
Young radical Riccardo returns home after hiding out in South America for years, only to find out that he has no "home" left: his former comrades in arms have now either bourgeoisified or turned to drugs, and all they fought for seems to have set the stage for near-anarchy.
Ammazzare il tempo
Igor, lo psicanalista
From the novel by Lidia Ravera, which wants to be a mirror of the disappointed generation that made '68 and that ten years later finds itself without ideals to reject the world or to fit into that, reassuring, of the fifties. The protagonist, a left-wing journalist, manages to find her identity in the relationship with a teenager who lives her life without wasting it on hopes or regrets.
Genarino, hombre objeto femenino
Gennarino Amato
Genarino es el perfecto objeto femenino tan comico, tragico y desesperado como su propia existencia.
Ligabue is a 1978 Italian biographical drama film directed by Salvatore Nocita. It depicts real life events of painter Antonio Ligabue. For this film Nocita was awarded Nastro d'Argento for Best New Director, while Flavio Bucci won the Nastro d'Argento for Best Actor.
Closed Circuit
Il sociologo
During a spaghetti western screening a man is shot dead, the doors are locked and the police is called in to investigate.
Espiral en la niebla
Vittorio, the physician
Una joven llamada Valeria, muere misteriosamente paseando por el campo. Todos los indicios indican que su amante es el asesino y en la investigación poco a poco van apareciendo otros personajes involucrados en el asesinato, por lo que el caso empieza a tomar carices insospechados...
Una joven (Jessica Harper) ingresa en una exclusiva academia de baile la misma noche en que asesinan a una de las alumnas. La subdirectora del centro es la amable Madame Blank, que brinda a la nueva alumna las comodidades y facilidades necesarias para su aprendizaje. Pero, poco a poco, una atmósfera malsana se va apoderando del lugar, y la estancia de la joven se va convirtiendo en una verdadera pesadilla.
Dove volano i corvi d'argento
Former shepherds return to Sardinia from Milan in order to avenge a brother wantonly killed by bandits. In describing the grinding contrasts between places and personages of old and new Sardinia, director Piero Livi does not falter, photographing faithfully a desolated land, stuck in the past but alienated from traditional beliefs.
Ciertos pequeñísimos pecados (Cuentos atrevidos para algunas ocasiones)
coreografo del porno night (episodio "Italian Superman")
Comedia dividida en tres episodios independientes: En el "Superman italiano", Giobatta (Paolo Villaggio), un emigrante italiano en Holanda, se dedica a la venta ambulante de castañas hasta que se le presenta la oportunidad de prosperar económicamente. Gracias al tamaño de sus atributos varoniles lo contratan para trabajar en espectáculos pornográficos, pero ha de ocultárselo a su mujer. En "El caballito sueco", Antonio (Nino Manfredi), un cuarentón que se queda solo durante el fin de semana, recibe a regañadientes la visita de la hija de unos viejos amigos, que está de vacaciones con su novio. Mientras que la joven decide pasar la noche en casa de Antonio, su novio ha preferido marcharse. En "El ascensor", una joven (Stefania Sandrelli), en pleno "Ferragosto", se queda encerrada en el ascensor de un edificio desierto con un maduro monseñor (Alberto Sordi).
L'agnese va a morire
Il pugliese
La Orca
Gino, Paolo y Michele (calabrés emigrado a Pavía) son tres desarraigados, que se dedican al contrabando y a la búsqueda de dinero fácil. Cuando reciben el encargo de secuestrar a Alice, hija de un rico industrial, ejecutarán su labor del modo que pueden, porque no son profesionales y durante un mes tendrán a su merced a la joven de dieciocho años, viviendo en unas condiciones deplorables en un caserío abandonado. Será el más joven e inexperto de los secuestradores, Michele, quien se encargue de la custodia de Alice y entre ambos se desarrollará un perverso juego de seducción, amor y odio, que tendrá consecuencias en el desenlace de la historia.
Violación en el último tren de la noche
Dos amigas cogen el tren para pasar las vacaciones de Navidad en casa de los padres de una de ellas. Pero en el tren se cuelan dos pervertidos que las que las someterán a toda clase de vejaciones y sufrimientos. Ademas los dos delincuentes cuentan con la complicidad de una extraña mujer que tambien viaja en el tren.
Il generale dorme in piedi
El veterano coronel del ejército Umberto Leone, sufre de un grave trastorno. Cuando duerme tumbado comienza a gritar frases anarquistas y antimilitares. Debido a este problema, se ve obligado a dormir de pie.
El amargo deseo de la propiedad
Un joven cajero, literalmente alérgico al papel moneda, se convierte en la peor pesadilla de su mejor cliente, un carnicero adinerado que gestiona su negocio sin atender a escrúpulo alguno.
El amante de la Osa Mayor
En la frontera ruso-polaca de los años 20, los contrabandistas vivían en un ambiente de camaradería y lealtad. Vladek y Topo son contratados como transportistas por la banda de Sashka, y a pesar de la profunda amistad que les une, Vladek se enamora de la novia del bandido.
La clase obrera va al paraíso
Denuncia de las condiciones laborales en las fábricas a través de la historia de un obrero modelo que, a raíz de un accidente, se hace sindicalista.