Two boys and a young girl struggle for their lives and suffer horrible abuse at the hands of their caretakers during their stay at an orphanage. Taken from the orphanage they are thrown to the streets where their journey to survive will force them to fight for their very lives. Two of them find romance while the third is abducted, to be groomed for membership in the mafia. A powerful and mysterious person in the shadows monitors and influences their lives from afar. In a series of Machiavellian moves, this antagonist orchestrates a series of seemingly innocuous coincidences that move the three of them even closer to the final conflict culminating in the perfect opportunity for spectacular revenge. Their paths are very different but the ghosts of from the past will eventually bring them back together...
Le chauffeur à Oulan Bator
Diane Siprien (Monica Bellucci) es una científica francesa que adopta a un niño en una región próxima a Mongolia. Pasado cierto tiempo, empiezan a ocurrir hechos extraños, como la aparición de una marca en el pecho del pequeño. Aunque el médico no le da importancia, Diane empieza a sospechar que quienes la rodean llevan mucho tiempo esperando algo relacionado con su hijo. Así las cosas, decide ir a Mongolia para averiguar el origen del niño. (FILMAFFINITY)