Marc Lussier


CODA: Los sonidos del silencio
Digital Colorist
Ruby es el único miembro con audición de una familia de sordos. A sus 17 años, trabaja por la mañana con sus padres y su hermano en Gloucester, Massachusetts, antes de ir a clase, tratando de mantener a flote su negocio pesquero. Ávida de encontrar nuevas aficiones, Ruby decide probar suerte en el coro de su instituto, donde no sólo descubre una latente pasión por el canto, sino también una fuerte atracción física por la persona con la que realiza duetos. Su entusiasta profesor ve algo especial en ella y la anima a que piense en la posibilidad de entrar en la escuela de música, algo que la obligaría a tener que tomar una decisión de cara a su futuro: o sus estudios, o su familia.
Digital Colorist
A year after the death of his paternal grandmother at the age of 101, filmmaker Martin Villeneuve brings her back to life using a special talent.
Colonia V
Digital Intermediate Colorist
Bajo la superficie helada, los sobrevivientes de la Colonia Siete luchan mientras los suministros de alimento disminuyen los y las temperaturas continúan bajando. Acosado por la enfermedad y los conflictos internos, los colonos sospechan lo peor cuando misteriosamente pierden el contacto con la colonia Cinco - el único otro establecimiento conocido. Sam (Zegers), un mecánico de carácter fuerte, con un pasado trágico, se une a un equipo encabezado por Briggs (Fishburne) en una peligrosa expedición para averiguar lo que pasó. Después de un viaje infernal, descubren una amenaza mucho peor de lo imaginado, y ahora la Colonia Siete debe ganar una batalla feroz para preservar el pasado de la humanidad.
Tales from the Neverending Story: Resurrection
Editorial Manager
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia. Part 4 of 4 in DVD releases
Tales from the Neverending Story: Badge of Courage
Editorial Manager
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia. Part 3 of 4 in DVD releases
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Gift
Editorial Manager
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia.
Tales from the Neverending Story: The Beginning
Editorial Manager
The Childlike Empress lies in limbo between life and death and the only hope for her kingdom lies in the ability of a young boy to transcend the boundaries of fantasy in this tale of myth and magic that is certain to capture the imagination. As young Bastian opens the pages of "The Neverending Story," he learns that the Childlike Princess is near death and Fantasia is in danger of falling prey to the Dark Princess Xayide. Soon falling through the written page and into a world beyond his wildest imagination, Bastian's alter ego Atreyu must enlist the help of his trusty sidekick Fly Girl and mischievous hucksters Rip Rowdy and Wexlerian if there is any hope of unlocking the mystery of the Southern Oracle and awakening the Childlike Empress to bring order back to Fantasia.