Karen Robyn


Sueños de otoño
First Assistant Director
Años después de la anulación de su matrimonio, una pareja descubre que un error en el papeleo hace que sigan siendo marido y mujer.
Nobody's Child
Second Assistant Director
Fact-based drama about the life of Marie Balter, who spent most of her young life in mental institutions. At age 16, she first attempted suicide and the next 20 years she spent in and out of the institutions. At last, a caring doctor started treating her for extreme depression and panic disorder. Weened from strong medications she had taken all her life, at age 36, she emerged for the last time and started a rehabilitation program in the home of a volunteer married couple. There she met a fellow patient with whom she developed a romantic relationship. She also started a college degree. This followed with a long-term professional success in the field of mental health.
A Masterpiece of Murder
Second Assistant Director
An over-the-hill gumshoe reluctantly teams with worldly retired master thief to solve a string of art thefts and murders.
Loca academia de policía
Martín's Lady
En la academia de policía están a punto de finalizar sus pruebas preparatorias para el cuerpo un numeroso grupo de veteranos. Durante un tiempo, coinciden con los novatos de nuevo ingreso, que serán el centro de un montón de bromas que muchas veces se lo harán pasar muy mal.