Andrei Lascu


El caso Sloane
Assistant Editor
Elizabeth Sloane (Jessica Chastain) es una implacable y ambiciosa ejecutiva que intenta que fructifique una legislación a favor del control de armas en Washington DC. Para ello intentará usar todos los recursos a su alcance. En las altas esferas del mundo político y empresarial Sloane tiene una reputación formidable. Conocida por su astucia y sus éxitos sin parangón, siempre ha hecho lo que fuera necesario para ganar. Pero cuando se enfrenta al oponente más poderoso de su carrera, se da cuenta de que la victoria puede tener un precio demasiado alto.
In a godforsaken landscape, filmed in transcendental black and white, as if fallen out of time, young Ada lives alone with her ill mother. Her rather lonely existence is characterized by hard work and poverty and as her mother's condition worsens there doesn't seem to be a way out anymore. Ecce homo is a parable about being human, rich in religious symbolism, which dreamily and at the same time sombrely poses existential questions without volunteering answers.
In a godforsaken landscape, filmed in transcendental black and white, as if fallen out of time, young Ada lives alone with her ill mother. Her rather lonely existence is characterized by hard work and poverty and as her mother's condition worsens there doesn't seem to be a way out anymore. Ecce homo is a parable about being human, rich in religious symbolism, which dreamily and at the same time sombrely poses existential questions without volunteering answers.